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32. Entry Thirty Two: The Hunt for Jeb

June 2019: the City in the Center and Yggdrasil

The Party decided to put off their search for the bow in the Beastlands until Jeb was taken care of. After some shopping, they headed into the portal in the Hive to the City in the Center in Hades. They found themselves in the Oinas section of the city, surrounded by beggars. Dash-A gave them each a gold piece and they left the party alone. The Bishop threw another gold through the gate towards Sigil, and another beggar jumped through, to an unknown fate.

The Party then tried to leave the area, but were told to go through quarantine by a guard with a plague mask on. After an abortive attempt to use suggestion to pass by quarantine, they decided just to wait the day to be admitted to the town.

They were let into the Niflheim area (I believe), got an inn, and started asking around. No-one had seen the Gnome, and everyone was too depressed to take much interest. Reinhalt scryed on Jeb again, and got a viewing of him pacing around, then going to talk to a Cleric or Wizard type in another room.

The Bishop recalled some information he had already told the party, that Jeb and the Blades of Hel had attacked Death of Innocence, a town much closer to The World Tree, Yggdrasil. The party decided to head there, but were undecided whether they should teleport directly to where they saw Jeb, teleport to the town, or ride horses across the plain. Reinhalt scried on a half-elf named Kherion Mallibrun (who he was able to get some information on), so that teleportation to Death of Innocence would be possible if they decided to go that route.

Suddenly, as if by divine intervention, the party realized that going by way of Ysddrgl might be faster. They returned through the portal, went through the other portal to Ysgard, and looked around for their friend Tweek and his Giant Centipede mount, Gerome. They were told he had departed with some other Ratatosks in a hurry, and it looked like something was wrong at their home. The party made a day's journeyed to the Ratatosks' den. Apparently, a guide on the World Tree had disappeared, and something was rotting part of the tree.

The party agreed to look into it, and were rewarded by a bag of nut potions, to be trebled in number if they succeeded in their mission. Nearing the location, they heard the scream of a Ratatosk and the roar of a plant being. On investigation, they found the scout being dragged into a hole in the tree by a vine.

Silverpaw ran ahead and grabbed onto the scout, preventing him from being dragged further into the hole (however, he also became stuck to a different tendril of the monster), and Cal tried to Call Lightning, but was frustrated by it's magic resistance (and electrical immunity) Martigan charged ahead and tried to sunder the vine, but instead stuck fast to it. The rest of the party made their way up, and finally managed to sever the vine, rescuing the scout. However Martigan and Silverpaw were dragged into the holes. Inside, there was a tree creature with a giant mouth (an Iron Maw), which was trying to drag them further to consume them. Cal summoned a Fire Elemental, which caused damage to the monster every time it attacked the elemental. This, together with help from the party, finally destroyed it.

The party returned to the Ratatosk town, received their reward, and stayed the night for a vegetarian feast given to them by their hosts. Tweek said he would take us where ever we wanted to go - no quite to Hades, but to very nearby, at least. It would take about a day.

July 2019: Nastrond and Niflheim

The Party arrived at the bottom of the World Tree. Tweek told them that they would have to go through Náströnd, the realm of Nidhogg, the worm that gnaws at the bottom of Yssdrgil. He mentioned that one day he will gnaw all the way through, and then Ragnarok will start. After crossing his realm and entering the tunnels that lay beyond, walking into the wind leads to Niffleheim, and walking with with the wind leads to Loki's realm in Pandemonium.

The Planeswalkers went forward and found themselves at a huge subterranean lake, in the middle of which was an island, with a worm gnawing at the root of Ysdrrgl, and its feasthouse, where it slept, beside him. Along the beach was a small hut and a boat.

Approaching the hut, they found a mysterious Ferryman who agreed to take them across the lake for either gems or magic. Cal gave him a Wand of Rusting Grasp, which was enough for the entire party. They noticed white, floating corpses in the lake. Martigan prodded one of them with his sword. The corpse animated with a gasp, and pleaded with Martigan to save him, while trying to crawl up the sword onto the ferry. Martigan managed to push it off, back into the water. The other nearby corpses also animated.

A fight ensued involving the Corpses and some sort of water Wyverns (children of Nidhogg). The Party fought their way free fairly quickly, mainly due to some Water Elementals which Cal summoned. Afterwards, Cal Wildshaped into a Giant Shark, and pushed the ferry quickly to the other shore.

Once there, the Planeswalkers entered the tunnel with the wind in their face, and came out into a large, misty forest. The forest seemed to have to natural animal life within it. Cal and Silverpaw did a quick search of the beach, and found footprints; 2 humanoids, and something quadrupedal that was not an animal. Silverpaw followed the tracks, which led to a fairly well-travelled path in the forest. They veered off from the path suddenly. While the party was discussing what to do, they heard something crashing through the brush. It turned out to be a wooden chest with 4 iron “legs” and blood on its lid, fleeing from something. Helga charged it and broke off one of its legs, impeding its rush. Cal cast Entangle to further slow it down.

Soon, the Party heard bellowing of the thing that had been chasing it, also stuck in the Entangled area. It turned out to be a Fiendish Troll. He and his two friends had captured the two humanoids and their animated chest, but the chest had managed to escape somehow. The Trolls friends arrived to help, but the three were quickly taken care of by the Party - two brought to unconsciousness, one charmed by the Bishop.

The Planeswalkers were having trouble killing the two downed Trolls, as their Fiendish heritage made them resistant to fire. The charmed Troll, convinced that his friends were trying to kill his family by the Bishop, smashed them both to a pulp, stating, “They get better,” before joining the Party to kill Jeb, who according to the Bishop had also messed with his family.

While the Troll was preoccupied, some of the group stole back to its lair and found numerous magic items, as well as the remains of the two Humanoids they had been tracking, who had indeed been part of the Blades of Hel. Later, the Troll brought their bodies along with him to eat on the way.

The Party continued onward, and eventually had to bed down as they were getting fatigued. During the first watch,a Night Hag riding a Nightmare approached them, and offered to give them information in exchange for magic or gems.

Helga gave her the Belt of One Mighty Blow, and was told us that Jeb and the Blades of Hel were about half a days journey up the road. There were about 15 Blades, and they had been lied to by Jeb and the Cleric. Also there was someone who was disguised as an exact duplicate of Jeb at the camp. They were likely aware that the Party will be coming.

That night Martigan (whom the Night Hag had taken a disliking to) was ridden by her in his dreams, and was weaker the next day as a result. It was decided that someone should go ahead (perhaps Reinhalt, or the Bishop) and infiltrate the camp, disguised as one of the Blades who was killed by the Trolls (using the head the Troll carried with him as a model). They could get information, try to tell the Blades that they were being lied to, and hopefully make them hostile to Jeb.

Cal also scouted ahead,in Eagle form, to get a layout of the camp.

August 2019: The Death of Jeb

The Party planned their strategy for attacking Jeb's camp, while still hidden in the forest. Skippy scouted ahead invisibly; she checked for magical traps but couldn't find any, and briefly visited a man who was trapped in a bit, bound and gagged, to tell him the Party would soon come to his rescue. Reinhalt scryed on Jeb, and saw him asleep in a small room with a window and a door. After some discussion, they decided that Martigan. Helga, Reinhalt, and Cal would teleport into his room with Invisibility Sphere (with Helga and Martigan flying) and try to murder him in his sleep.

Meanwhile, the Bishop, Silverpaw, Skippy, Toby and Thrud the Troll would hide in the woods near the gate, and prepare to make a distraction or aid the attack. The Fiendish Troll was eager to attack. and it took all of the Bishop's energy to keep him from jumping the gun.

After a couple of off-base teleports, the first team was able to Teleport into Jeb's room. He awoke instantly, but was unable to stop Cal from wrapping him in Kelp Strands, before Helga critically wounded him, and Martigan delivered a solid blow to finish him off.

The Troll had charged the gate and proceeded to bash it open (aided by a couple of illusionary Trolls courtesy of the Bishop's Minor Illusion.) With the guards focussed on that, as well as Jeb's double, who was in the training grounds,looking as though he had suffered a heart attack, the Bishop summoned a Giant Wasp. He and Toby used it to fly into the compound.

Helga's team exited the room into the hallway; Helga and Martigan flew down and dispatched a couple of the Blades of Hel, while Reinhalt stayed behind (still invisible) to loot Jeb's room (including putting Jeb's already decapitated head in his Bag of Holding) and Cal started investigating the other doors. The Ethereal Doppleganger burst through the front door, and had only time for a brief moment of surprise before he was slaughtered by Helga and Martigan.

While that was happening, a Chain Devil suddenly appeared on the second floor; shortly thereafter a man(the Cleric Reinhalt had seen earlier when scrying on Jeb) wearing robes and armour came out from a door nearby it, and cast a spell that caused waves of negative energy to hover in his general area.

Helga and Martigan flew up and took care of the Chain Devil, despite feeling a drain in their energy from the area spell. Cal cast Fire Seed at the Cleric, burning him. At the same time, the Bishop crashed in through the window, right beside the Cleric.

Skippy freed the prisoner from his bonds, and played a tune to Fascinate him, lulling him into a peaceful calm. Toby, who had jumped down from the Wasp onto a storehouse, and opened its doors, but didn't find anything of use.

The Troll continued to wail on the guard at the front gate, hurt only by the acid that had been poured down onto it at the first attack. Silverpaw tried to jump over it to get to his friend Cal, but could not manage to clear the ten foot Troll.

The Cleric, deciding that he was in a losing battle, went Ethereal, and somehow teleported out to the front lawn, before disappearing from sight altogether (despite the Bishop looking for him with See Invisible).

Cal crashed out of the window in the form of a Dire Bat, and Helga and Martigan followed him out to the yard. After a brief battle, in which Cal summoned a Fire Elemental and the Bishop defeated a Blade of Hel in single combat, the rest of the Blades were taken care of. Cal hunted down the last fleeing Blade in Bear form, and Helga, Martigan, and the Fire Elemental made brief work of the Troll.

Reinhalt, investigating the Cleric's room, found a pile of papers that had been intentionally burnt. He put them in a pouch to take with him. He also found a disturbing altar, with a symbol which looked like an ink blot, stained into human skin, displayed above it. There was also a sacrificial dagger and cup that was stained with blood. Reinhalt took the cup and dagger, and sketched the symbol. He also took some hair and personal effects of the Cleric for scrying purposes. The party remembered having seen similar altars in Automata and Sylvania (See the story so far), likely dedicated to the Shadow Lord.

Meanwhile Helga helped the man out of the hole. He said his name was Terrence (later changed to Thomas, then Thompson ), and he was a woodcutter from the Death of Innocence . He had wandered too far away from the camp while working and had gotten lost, then captured by the Blades. The Party offered to bring him back to Sigil, but he said he had too many people he cared about in the Death of Innocence, and that he wanted to return there.

They decided to go on horse to Death of Innocence to drop off Terrence, and have Skippy change a portal to go back to Sigil. On the way, not long after they had started through the woods, a spinning Wall of Blades encircled them. It seemed an ambush had been prepared…

September 2019: The Ambush

The Party was suddenly surrounded by a Blade Barrier as they were making their way towards Death of Innocence. Multiple flying opponents attacked them with ranged attacks, including an Elf who was very proficient with a bow, a Warlock, and the Bladeling Assassin, Adamok Ebon. Chanting could also be heard from outside the Barrier, which the Party assumed was spellcasting from the Cleric in Jeb's camp, but was actually from a different Cleric.

Cal damaged the Assassin with Splinterbolt, and the next round summoned an Air Elemental to keep the Bladeling busy. The Bishop cast an Illusion which caused the Warlock to think his friends were really his enemies, causing him to subsequently attack Adamok. Skippy and he also attempted to dispel the Blade Barrier, to no avail. Reinhalt cast Draconic Polymorph to change himself into something more able to withstand damage. Martigan started shooting back at the Half-Elf with his Mighty Longbow. The Wild Elf seemed to feel some sort of sympathy for Cal (who was Wildshaped into a Dire Bear at the time), but continued to attack him along with the rest of the party. Toby, Helga, and Silverpaw, unable to react effectively from long range, adopted defensive postures.

The group seemed primarily interested in taking down Helga. Luckily, the Stoneskin spell she had received from Cal had not worn off yet, so she was protected from most of the effects. However, she, along with Martigan, were weakened by poison from Adamok's arrows.

In the second round, Reinhalt cast Fly on Helga, and they both flew up and made quick work of the Elf, who turned out to be some sort of Martial Adept. At that point, the ground beneath the rest of the character's feet began to shake, and two Fiendish Bulettes (likely pets of Adamok's) made attacks on them, dragging down Toby's horse, and severely wounding Silverpaw. Toby jumped on Silverpaw's back and healed him with his Belt.

The Bulettes then jumped from the earth, and combat ensued between them and the grounded characters. The Bishop stopped one using the spell Halt, and proceeded to tame it using Charm Creature. The other one was taken down by the rest of the party members. The Blade Barrier was finally dispelled, and the rest of the attackers decided to cut their losses and leave.

After looting the bodies and moving a short distance, the Party rested in a Stone-shaped fort. Reinhalt scried on the Cleric from the camp. He saw the Warlock with him and a female Elf who appeared to be of higher rank. They were on a flying carpet, possibly on a different plane. The Elf was reprimanding the other two, saying, “He's not going to be happy”. The carpet was approaching a floating island.

The next day, the Party continued onward. They were feeling better after Cal's Lesser Restoration helped restore the damage the poison caused, but still feeling the drag of the plane's effect on their souls. Martigan and Toby, in particular, had nightmares about their lives deteriorating, and awoke with their will to carry on reduced.

They rode on horseback for two days (leaving the Bulette behind, due to it's slower speed), until they heard chanting and the scream of a creature in pain. Skippy scouted ahead, and came to a clearing with an impossibly high marble pillar, in front of which were a group of Humanoids (about 10), and a large creature which looked like a demon standing before a male Half-Elf who looked like he was in a daze. The chanting was in no language she had ever heard before, and made her feel sick when she heard it.

After buffing up with spells and other abilities the party sprang on the group. Reinhalt, again in Dragon form, cast a Sound Bolt that destroyed several of the smaller humanoids (who turned out to be Vampire Spawn), but did not harm the larger one. Helga, Toby, and Martigan charged forward from the side. They were invisible (from Invisibility Sphere) and had wax in their ears, as well as being inside a Silence Spell that the Bishop had cast on a rock Helga was holding.

Unfortunately, they became disoriented in the mist, and came into the clearing a bit too far to make an effective attack. The Demon attacked them, and it was quickly evident that he was actually some kind of Vampire (later identified as a Blood Fiend), as his claws drained the life from Helga and Martigan; as well, after biting Toby, the Demon was noticeably healthier, and Toby weaker.

Cal came round the back in Dire Bat form, hoping to snatch the sacrificial victim and carry him to safety. While he circled in the air, waiting for a good opening, he cast Moonbeam, striking one of the Spawn to the ground, but failing to damage the Blood Fiend. The Bishop made a Fiery image of an Angel that attempted to intimidate the Blood Fiend, but it stood it's ground. Most the the Spawn fled the scene. Unfortunately, Helga could not land a hit on the large Vampire, and Martigan was also having trouble getting a solid blow (mirroring his dreams of being ineffectual). To make matters worse, its gaze hypnotized Martigan, who looked like he was under it's command, and might start attacking the party members.

Before that could happen, Helga, calling on Kord, delivered a mighty blow that destroyed the creature. Martigan and the Half-Elf who was to be sacrificed both had their minds restored to them.

The Half-Elf, Kherion Mallibrun, said he had been captured while wandering in the forest near Death of Innocence in search of prey. He said that the pillar where the ritual was taking place was one of many Loadstones of Misery on the plane, and would, at random times, give off a burst of energy that would either fully heal or severely drain those nearby. Not wishing to risk what might happen, the Planeswalkers decided to continue on to Death of Innocence.

Due to the negative levels that Helga, Martigan, and Cal had sustained, time was of the essence; they needed to be restored by divine magic within 24 hours, or risk losing a part of their souls permanently.

October 2019: Death of Innocence

The Party came to a decision regarding the level-drained members. Reinhalt formed a safe Stone Shaped hiding place for the members left behind, with a weak spot that Silverpaw could break through, and a hidden entrance for the others. He then teleported with Helga, Cal, and Martigan to the City in the Center, to the quarantine room, which he had spent a day in before. The party made their way to the Sigil gate leading to the Hive, headed over to the Weary Spirit Infirmary, and paid 2,400 Gold for everyone to be restored.

They Teleported back (Reinhalt having studied the area before they left), and arrived on target. The party then continued on as fast as they could towards Death of Innocence, camping for one night on the way. Martigan continued to have nightmares and to be affected strongly by the plane.

About half-way through the second day, some of the Party heard animals approaching through the trees. A pack of Fiendish Winter Wolves charged out of the mist, crippling or killing horses before darting back into the trees. After a brief skirmish, during which the Planeswalkers killed about half of the Wolves, some threatening howls from Cal managed to drive away the rest of the pack, along with an illusory Blue Dragon from the Bishop.

By the end of the day, the Planeswalkers finally reached Death of Innocence. They had a meeting with the mayor of the town - Viliki Cainor, a fighter who had attacked a group of Yugoloths(?), then founded the town with the 200 some slaves she had freed. After several years, the town had grown, with other wandering in from the plane, until there were about 5,000 residents. The town was centered around a statue of a man on a horse rising out of the sea. For some reason, those living in the town were not affected by the draining effects of the Wastes.

Viliki was thrilled to meet Helga and the Bishop, and had heard of the Party's fight against slavers. The Party talked with her about setting up some sort of trading deal (using Skippy's power to change the location that gates exit). The Party would send supplies through the gate in exchange for the town sending more willing souls to the army, and whatever else they could offer (wood?).

Skippy went back to Sylvania to bring back supplies for a celebration. Meanwhile, the rest of the Planeswalkers overheard Thompson talking to a local woman. She was brokenhearted that Thompson had managed to get back safely, but her husband (Jacobs) who had been out on the same woodcutting expedition, had not returned.

The Party decided to see if they could do anything for her. Reinhalt scried on him (after getting his likeness and some personal effects of his), and found that he was alive, but bound and in a dark pit. At Helga's urging, Reinhalt and Cal teleported to the location and rescued Jacobs, safely teleporting back afterwards.

Jacobs told the Party that he had gotten separated from Thompson when he was attacked, and had run away and found a small cave, like a crack in a rock, to hide in. He followed the crack, and found that it expanded into a larger complex. He passed some holes which looked to be covered with large rocks, which may have been prisons. Finally he came across Kherion Mallibrun in front of an altar, slitting the throat of a Yugoloth in some sort of ceremony.

He was captured by Mallibrun and put into one of the holes. Mallibrun seemed to be trying to convince him to remain silent on the ritual for the good of the town. The Planeswalkers informed Viliki of what they had heard. She immediately tried to send guards out after Mallibrun - however, Reinhalt, whom she intensely disliked due to his “lawyer speak”, convinced her to try to bring him in without arousing his suspicion. The Bishop went to get him disguised as a guard, but couldn't locate him. Reinhalt scried on him and found he was actually back in the cave, and had discovered that Jacobs was gone. After a further discussion and one more scry attempt, which saw him in the same location, the Party decided to go and talk with him at the cave.

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entry_thirty_two.1572766807.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/03 01:40 by helga