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Entry 1: The Commission

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Some time ago I was commissioned by a fellow associate of the Fated, a Ms. Savrin Moore Debell, to represent the legal interests of her consort, one Radagast “The Bishop” Von Figaro. This man, I learned, was the proprietor of a tavern called The Dirty Habit in the gate-town of Sylvania in the Outlands. As I have nothing but the utmost respect for my fellow Fated member, Ms. Debell, I was intrigued as to what sort of man she should entangle herself with. My curiosity was heightened when I learned of the mysterious circumstances surrounding Mr. Von Figaro’s legal troubles, and of the eclectic individuals he associated with: a dragon-born modrone, an elven druid with a dire wolf, a fearsome fightress, and an escaped convict and veteran of the Blood Wars.

According to the extradition request filed against them, they were accused of operating a slave smuggling ring out of Rigus. Ms. Debell, however, assured me the claims were false and that Mr. Von Figaro and his associates were being framed by a shadowy conspiracy. Indeed, this presented just the sort of challenge I live for, and Mr. Von Figaro appeared to be quite an interesting client. So, I hid my enthusiasm for the job, and negotiated an equal share of all spoils gained through adventuring with him. A person of my ability could hardly ask for less after all. The role I was charged with was twofold: First, to represent Mr. Von Figaro’s legal interests; and second, to protect his life.

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reinhalts_journal_entry1.1541031726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/31 19:22 by reinhalt