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08. Entry Eight (Gallowshome)

(Game Date: September 6th, 2015)

The Planeswalkers emerged from the mines to find an abandoned mining camp on the edge of a narrow ledge in one of Colothys' massive mountain slopes. Looting the camp for what they could find, the team followed a narrow path that hugged the mountain, following it across and then down, deeper into the canyon below.

There they found a narrow rope bridge that stretched across the massive chasm. Warily, they moved across the swaying, rickety bridge in single file. But they would not reach the far end umolested; a pair of Slasrath, unnatural aberrations spawned by dark magic, swooped out of the darkness below to harry them as they crossed. The battle with the Slashrath was made much more difficult by the confines of the bridge, and the ease with which is swayed under their every movement. After narrowly avoiding tumbling off the bridge entirely, the party dispatched the Slasrath and continued along the path.

After the bridge, their magic compass pointed them in the direction of a cave on the far slope that delved deeper into the mountain. At last, they emerged in a massive cavern filled with the swaying bodies of chained giants…Gallowshome.

The portal, and the Crypt of the Riddling Reaver, lay at the bottom of the cave, but the only way down was along a crude walkway constructed on the very body of the nearest giant, circling down around its corpse. Along the way, the Planeswalkers were assaulted by insane petitioners who eked out a miserable existence eating the flesh and blood of the hanging giants. Battling both petitioners and unnaturally large maggots that festered in the giant's corpse, they eventually made their way to the floor of the cavern, finding it carpeted with bones and skulls of varying sizes. Dahlia then pointed out the massive skull of a three-eyed creature, in which she said the Riddling Reaver's tomb was housed.

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entry_eight.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/06 06:54 by helga