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Ylem (Modron Wizard)

Ylem is a Rogue Modron wizard who keeps a tower on the edge of the Slags, a crooked maze of ramshackle buildings on the edge of the Sigil's Hive, where the Blood War spilled over through portals. Although he is a typical quadrone in shape, like most of his type, a strange blue star pattern between his eyes marks him as different, even from other Rogues. As a Rogue Modron, he can never return to Regulus, the home of the Modrons in Mechanus.

Ylem's attempts to understand order and patterns in everything he sees sometimes leads him to make some strange and counterintuitive conclusions (such as assuming a bonk on the head with a stick is the “traditional Sigilian greeting” after his own experience with an irate barkeep, or noting that a workman tripping on a cobblestone means it will rain the following afternoon).

Not content with learning standard magic, Ylem seems consumed with a “whim” (as he puts it) to create new life from magic. Lacking any reproductive capability of his own, he instead devotes himself to creating a “living spell”. Exactly what that is or how he'll make it is a mystery to everybody, including Ylem himself, but his work has attracted the attention of bigwigs with gold in Sigil, and the Modron wizard finds himself bankrolled by a wealthy Titan named Zadara.

Contact Details

Ylem is a Contact to 1532-A.

- Once per in-game week, Ylem will provide any spell he is capable of casting free of charge. If the spell has an expensive material component or an XP cost, the PC must provide or pay an appropriate amount of gold. Ylem will cast spells at his convenience, usually within his tower or somewhere nearby in Sigil. If calling in this favor requires travel, the PC will have to provide transportation and may have to pay additional costs. Ylem may also refuse to travel to fulfill this favor if he deems the location too dangerous.

ylem.1549254466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/03 22:27 by helga