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The Weary Spirit Infirmary (Sigil, Hive Ward)

The Weary Spirit Infirmary is a horrible place with a history to match. Founded by a man named Rednir Tetch, a man who lost a loved one to an incompetent temple healer, the Weary Spirit was created to be a place of science, to study the humanoid body and find cures for injury and illness that didn't depend on the capricious whims of the gods and their fallible servants.

As noble as that goal sounded on paper, Tetch's approach to realizing it was nothing short of nightmarish. The staff and doctors of the Weary Spirit saw their patients (almost exclusively the poor and desperate of the Hive) as raw materials and experimental subjects to be used and discarded as necessary. Sanitation was almost non-existent, and for every ten patients admitted, only one was usually lucky enough to survive. And even then, they usually left something behind… typically just an arm or a leg if they were lucky.

Over time the Infirmary attracted the sort of orderlies and doctors that could thrive in such an environment; bullies, sadists, and madmen. Cures and treatments included bone straightening, amputation, trepanation, leeches, or invasive and often unnecessary surgery. The promise of free meals and a warm bed were used to lure the desperate and the foolish in for treatment, but most Hivers knew the place as a sinkhole of madness and death.

This ended when the Planeswalkers attacked the Weary Spirit to rescue a Githzerai kidnapped by an illithid “doctor” in the Infirmary's employ. After the guards were either killed or driven out, Tetch was captured and detained, eventually handed over the Harmonium along with a stack of documents implicating him in various crimes against the people of Sigil.

Until he goes to trial and receives judgement in the City Courts, the Infirmary is run by Grant Kendrall and a group of Githzerai loyal to Helga. Against impossible odds, they are trying to turn the Weary Spirit into a true hospital offering proper healing and relief to the people of the Hive. As their reputation spreads, however, the crowd of poor and desperate wretches at their door grows longer, taxing their scant resources to the breaking point.

weary_spirit.1461939024.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)