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The Great Gymnasium (Sigil, Guildhall Ward)

The Great Gymnasium is the headquarters of the Transcendent Order in Sigil. As its name suggests, it is a place of training, exercise, and relaxation. The Gymnasium boasts the largest public baths in the city, in addition to classrooms, training halls, and meditation chambers. The Transcendent Order holds classes in a wide variety of arts and physical activities, making it a popular place for warriors, fitness buffs, and artists alike.

Naturally, when it comes to using the facilities members are given priority. Non-members are allowed in (for a fee) as space is available, but the popularity of the Gymnasium usually means a long line forms outside the entrance every morning. Some scoff at the idea of waiting hours to get in when Sigil has so many other bathhouses and training halls to choose from, but regulars insist that no other facilities in the city can hold a candle to what the Ciphers have to offer.

Kari is Martigan's trainer at the Great Gymnasium. He helped Martigan to escape, and find safety at the Gymnasium, when he was being hunted by Bloodwing, godfather of the Baatezu in Sigil, for attempting to escape his contract.(17)

the_great_gymnasium.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/11 20:12 by helga