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The Free League

The Free League barely qualifies as a Faction in Sigil (and most of its members would vehemently deny that they are one at all), but its listed among the Factions all the same. The Free League's philosophy is the simplest of all Sigil's factions; believe what you want, and do your own thing. They don't care much for centralized dogma, and Indeps run the gamut from selfish immoral mercenaries to idealistic freedom fighters.

If there's one thing all Indeps believe in, however, it's that everybody should be free to think and believe what they want. As such, they take a dim view of aggressive proselytizing and and even dimmer view of press gangs and slavery. Also, while they do believe in fierce independence, they also realize that they have few allies in the dogmatic City of Doors, so they turn to each other for mutual aid and support.

The Free League lacks any official headquarters, but most Indeps gather in the Grand Bazaar of Sigil. A few Indeps with connections in the city make arrangements and deals to keep the market free and open to all, the merchants and happy to uphold that policy for the most part.

Faction Benefits and Drawbacks

Indeps are naturally resistance to attempts to rob them or their freedom, and gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws to resist all mind-affecting skills, spells, or abilities. If the spell or ability does not normally grant a saving throw, the Indep gets one anyway (without the bonus, DC determined by the GM)

The Free League also boasts a wide network of friendly contacts in Sigil's Grand Bazaar and across the city. While in Sigil (or any other territory dominated by Indeps such as Tradegate), an Indep gains a +10 on Gather Information checks.

Finally, Indeps in Sigil are usually popular with the merchant class, and enjoy a 10% discount of anything they buy in the Grand Bazaar.

However, the Indeps have no institutional support in Sigil. They have no judges in the courts, nor any seat in the Hall of Speakers. As such they suffer the same penalties as non-Factioned PCs when seeking services in the city or suffering under the boot of the Law.

the_free_league.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)