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The Abyss

The Infinite Layers of the Abyss are the physical manifestation of chaos and evil, the murderous,unpredictable underbelly of the multiverse.

The primary inhabitants of the Abyss are the Tanar'ri, or Demons, Chaotic Evil Outsiders. The Planeswalkers have learned that most Demons, (and half-demon Cambions) are immune to electricity and poison, and resist to acid, cold, and fire.


​The top layer of the Abyss is Pazunia. From what the Planeswalkers have seen, the terrain is mostly made up of oppressively hot deserts and some forests, with lakes of molten iron in some locations. Massive pits are scattered everywhere across its surface, portals to deeper layers of the Abyss. There are also many fortresses that are home to demon warlords. The Party has been told to avoid them in favour of the run-down villages, if they want to have successful interactions.

The Blood War is fought actively on this layer, as the Planeswalkers observed at the iron fortress near the iron lake they passed on the way to Raazorforge. Press gangs looking for new soldiers to impress are common, especially on the wagon paths. Despite this, the roads are safer than the badlands, which abounds with razorvine and predators, or the forests, full of Viper Trees. Sticking to the wagon paths, and claiming association with Graz'zt, is said to be the safest way to travel.

There is a two-way portal from Sigil which leads to an abandoned village surrounded by a forest between Broken Reach and Raazorforge. It is guarded by a powerful Tanar'ri with a tail that ends in a sentient snake head.

(See Bishop Report -6)

Ferrug, one of the fortresses, is rumoured to have been decimated by the Ship of Chaos.(28)

There is a two way Portal to Pazunia located at a barbershop called T'Shads, owned by a human woman, Zelita. It exits somewhere between Broken Reach and Raazorforge. There is a Tanar'ri guard on the Pazunia side, which may be the reason that nobody has ever been known to return to Sigil through it. (29)

Broken Reach

Broken Reach is a major trading hub on Pazunia. The city is made up of crumbling buildings which have been partially and haphazardly rebuilt, and tent-cities in the ruins of less well-kept structures. The ruler of Broken Reach, Red Shroud, has outlawed violence within its walls and allowed free passage to merchants and travelers both into and out of her city. Otherwise, there are very few rules in the city, and merchants are free to charge whatever the market will sustain for their wares, often reaching well above the standard price.

Caravans run from all across Pazunia to Broken Reach and back again. Supplies are hard to come by, so anything a blood'll find useful will get lugged across the desert. Usually to and from the Lakes of Iron, but Styros and even Vanelon see caravans from time to time. The wagons all muster in the Gate Plaza.

The population is at least half mortal, including Tieflings, Cambions, Humans, and others.

At the time the Planeswalkers visited, due to the violence in Raazorforge (caused by the Ship of Chaos they are seeking), there was a shortage of Iron in Broken Reach, and prices were expected to soar.

Gate Plaza and Cathedral: a market just inside the huge, ironbound gates of broken reach, where caravans from all over Pazunia congregate. The plaza is dominated by a crudely carved statue of Red Shroud. Beside the plaza is a massive cathedral, also in a state of half-ruin and half-construction, with subtle blasphemies in its stained glass windows and bas reliefs. When the Planeswalkers arrived in Broken Reach, there was a ceremony to someone or something named Pazuzu being held, including the sacrifice of some Soul Larvae.

The Oasis is a drinking establishment in the Gate Plaza favoured by merchants and sell-swords, where the Planeswalkers went to find information. It is a two-story building at the edge of the plaza made of red sandstone. Most clients sit on rugs on the floor, and the bar is a few staff with crates of bottles and cups around a filthy wading pool in the center of the room.

Portal to the Gate-town of Plague-Mort: Found in an underground crypt which leads onto the Gate Plaza, the portal is two-way, and appears as a glowing red orb surrounded by four pillars made of humanoid skulls.

Portal to Sigil: An alley leaves the square from the direction of Red Shroud's statue's back. The Planeswalkers have information that the window in third building on the right in this ally, which is a flophouse for Dretch and Manes, is a one-way portal to Slags of the Hive Ward of Sigil. It is big enough for a largish Medium humanoid to fit through. The password is any word in Abyssal written in charcoal on the back of your left hand.

Red Shroud

Red Shroud is the succubus who rules Broken Reach. She is also said to be some sort of Arcane Spellcaster. She is prone to kissing some of the merchants (or their followers) who met with her, and draining some of their life in the process, and that she was likely some sort of Arcane Spellcaster.

She is rumoured to know everything that goes on in Broken Reach, and to pay a bounty to anyone who takes down troublemakers in her city. There are also rumours that she's secretly amassing mercenaries and allies for a strike on Mithrengo, a nearby fortress. She has a collection of exotic poisons. The Planeswalkers currently have a good relationship with Red Shroud.


A Cambian (half-demon) subordinate of Red Shroud's. He is a horrid looking humanoid with spiky hair and pitch-black, pockmarked skin encrusted with tiny scales and boils, pointed teeth and fiery eyes.​ He first encountered the Planeswalkers at the gate from Sigil, and tried to take money as a “tax” for Red Shroud. After the Bishop Charmed him, he led them to Red Shroud, and afterwards acted as the their guide through Broken Reach.


Raazorforge is a town several days away on foot from Broken Reach. It was the main source of Iron for Broken Reach. The town has been decimated by the Ship of Chaos, and very little remains of it.

The Ship moved to a fortress about a day's journey from Raazorforge, where the party encountered it (29)


The Abyssal realm of Azzagrat, which is ruled by the Demon Prince Graz'zt, is made up of the 45th, 46th, and 47th levels of the Abyss.


Zelatar is the capital and political hub of Azzagrat. It occupies a place on all three Abyssal planes that made up the realm; the city is very chaotic, a free-for-all where the strong kill or use the weak. The city spans and connects all three layers. Its extra-planar existence gives its streets an often confusing and seemingly impossible layout. By Graz'zt's decree, all merchants are afforded protection while in Azzagrat and Zelatar, although this protection is not guaranteed. Merchant's passes may be obtained from The Rule of Three, a wizened githzerai in the Black Sails tavern, a dive bar in Sigil, for one gold, one silver, and one copper.

The city is divided into neighbourhoods: The Planeswalkers have travelled to Fogtown on the 45th layer, which where the poor live, and Darkflame on the 47th, home to more powerful residents. These two areas are connected by a Greenfire Gate.

There is also a one-way portal from Sigil leading to the front gate of Zelatar.

The Planeswalkers are likely not welcome in Zelatar since having been caught interacting with Donat Sanp. Skippy was seen by Graz'zt as she changed the destination of the Greenfire Gate to help the Party escape.

The Sign of the Black Heart Inn

This inn, located in Gallenghast, in the Darkflame District, was where the Planeswalkers conducted most of their business in Zelatar, meeting with Donat Sanp, talking to the locals for information, and attempting to sell Twisted Death (cyanide water from the Great Foundry)

The inn dominated an entire block by itself. A number of entrances, one on each side, led to an inner courtyard. Windows were only found on the second-floor, not the first, and a garden could be seen atop one wall. The roofs were topped with something that resembled razorvine. Vrocks circled above, possibly hired help and security.

Donat Sanp

Bone Naga Ambassador of an undead Drow goddess (Or Orcus?). The Planeswalkers went to Zelatar to meet him. He was staying at the Black Heart Inn, but has since moved on, or been killed. He was forbidden to interact with any outsiders. We gave him a sealed scroll from Enial, with the name of a rival to his Drow Goddess, in exchange for the location of a secret pad lock that will match a spiky-horned key that we received in the hieroglyphed dungeons.

Reinhalt met with him, and exchanged the information, but they had to flee when their meeting was discovered by a Lamia, who sounded the alarm. Reinhalt managed to pick up some interesting documents from Donat's room, including a map of the Demonweb Pits.

(Bishop Reports 2,3,4) (Play Logs 25,28,29)

the_abyss.1551403120.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/28 19:18 by helga