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Plague Mort (Outlands)

Plague Mort is a Gate-Town in the Outlands which leads to the Abyss. It's a depressing slum of run-down kips scattered between ruins with little rhyme or reason.

The Keep of the Arch-Lecterne: a silver-steer fortress in the center of town bristling with towers and crawling with razorvine over its exterior walls. One wall of the keep has three large archways. The leftmost archway is a portal which leads to an underground crypt by the Gate Plaza in Broken Reach in Pazunia.

Drachenflagrion (Red Dragon)

Drachenflagrion is a Red Dragon, a Young Adult. He fancies himself a bit of an art collector, and has no compunctions about hiring thieves or worse to gather them by any means fair or foul. He's as paranoid as he is vain, and always arranges to pick up new additions at an arranged meeting spot personally, and takes them back to his lair alone. As such, nobody is exactly sure of where his lair is, though it is likely somewhere in the Outlands, near Plague-Mort, based on the people he hires and the meeting spots he's chosen. Rumor had it he was in the market for religious relics, and has a particular lust for any who can deliver such a prize to him.

plague-mort_outlands.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 21:53 by helga