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The Sigil University of Practical Economics (Outlands, Sylvania)

The Sigil University of Practical Economics (SUPE) was founded by Bishop Radagast von Figaro. It is also a place where the Tigers Claw gang of thieves meet freely to store and trade their illicit goods.

Original calculations (from the GM)

The manor in the forest is a Grand House (roughly ten rooms, two stories). The cost of building a new Grand House is 5000gp, so I'm saying it takes 1/4 of the cost to renovate and repair (1250gp). Paying that cost and taking a week or so would get you a fully repaired Grand House with 10 rooms. From the Stronghold Builder's Guide, the following conditions would apply:

  • Terrain: Forest +0%
  • Location: 1-16mi from small town +2%
  • Size: Grand House 10 stronghold spaces
  • Lawless Area -10%
  • Hidden from view +5%

Total Price Modifier: -3%

Existing structures:
Exterior freestanding stone walls (10ft high) surrounding a 50ft by 150ft front yard and back yard. The back yard is connected to rocky hills with an excavated opening to the old silver mines in a cave behind a waterfall.

  • 1 Fancy Bedroom (2nd floor)
  • 1 Basic Kitchen (1st floor)
  • 1 Basic Dining Room (1st floor)
  • 2 Servant's Quarters (2nd floor)
  • 2 Prison Cells (basement, connect to mines)
  • 1 Basic Chapel (ruined, needs 500gp repairs to function)
  • 2 stronghold spaces are just empty rooms with debris and wrecked furniture strewn about. New stronghold structures would have to be bought entirely to make them useful.

However, the initial renovation costs for the building (1250gp) is separate, because this is the minimum resource needed to even think about starting. Also, the expansion to include 10 more units will cost an additional 5000gp.

New Structures

  • 4 Basic Baths (2 ss, 800gp total)

These baths will be incoporated into the 2 ruined rooms above.

  • 1 Barracks (1 ss, 400gp)
  • 6 Basic Bedrooms (12 bedrooms, 6 ss, 4200gp total)
  • 1 Gatehouse (0.5 ss. 1000gp)
  • 1 Basic Stable (1 ss, 1000gp)
  • 1 Rogue Training Area (1 ss, 2000gp)
  • 1 Study/office, Fancy (1 ss, 2500gp)
  • 1 Training Area, Combat (1ss, 1000gp - 970gp actual)
  • 1 Wizard's Research area (5ss, 16900gp - 16393gp actual)

Landlord Feat accounting


  • n/a ( n/a ) ( 27,544.50 )
  • Woodcarvings for the tavern (-500) (27,044.50)
  • Level 10 deposit (+25,000) (52,044gp and 50sp)
  • 400gp deposit (+400) (52,444gp and 50sp)
  • Large, bountiful cupboard feast at-will for the tavern (-45,000) (7,444gp and 50sp)
  • Level 11 deposit (+25,000) (32,444gp and 50sp)
  • Wizard's research area and Training area (


Staff hirees

As found on page 42 in the Stronghold Builder's Guide

  • 2 cooks (3gp/month)
  • 10 guards (6gp/month each or 60gp/month total)
  • 1 groom (4.5gp/month)
  • 1 clerk/bursar (12gp/month)
  • 5 servants (3gp/month, or 15gp/month total
  • 2 maids (3gp/month, or 6gp/month total)
  • 1 alchemist, apprentice spellcaster (60gp/month)

TOTAL : 160.5gp/month

About the School

The school credo is, “Debeo mundi captivitatis (The World is Yours for the Taking)”

The SUPE is an out-of-the-way plot of land consisting of three grand houses built together, in the outlands of Sylvania. People who wish to enroll into the school must first find a reliable source, as the school does not advertise itself outside of a handful of members among the Fated. Those who can successfully track down a reliable source would eventually be led to the Dirty Habit, where they must ask the barkeep, “How's the SOUP here?” to which the answer is “A bit rich, but you can't beat the price.” Following that exchange, prospective students must hand over a single item of obviously exquisite value, valuing 40gp or more (perhaps something lifted off of a nobleman, for example). Having met these requirements, arrangements will be made for a horse and wagon to bring them to the university.

The school has a rotating curriculum, depending on whom the Bishop or current schoolmaster can rope in from the Fated. Expected lessons include lockpicking, rope use, disguises and forgeries, how to bluff and charm, climbing, Thieves' Cant, and appraisal. Each member is also taught how to fight with a weapon of their choice, either by bringing in an instructor, or sending that student out to a specialized teacher, if possible.

The school, following the Bishop's own chaotic take on the ministry of Olidammara, has few codified rules:

  • You do not talk about the SUPE.
  • Do not use our teachings to kill for money. We are not assassins.
  • Do not use our teachings to steal within Sylvania. Do not shit where you lay your head.
  • Do not accost the staff. There is a very serviceable Temple of Sensates down the road.

The students are taken by the teachers once a week to Sigil, or other planes, for practical exams (steal stuff, or learn a secret).

same.1533531116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/05 23:51 by zeromig