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Grant Kendrall (Walking Tower Wizard)

A wizard of considerable power who resides in a walking tower in the Outlands. He was first encountered by the party in a forest-turned-swamp on the road between Rigus and Automata, where he was stealing the life energy from a magical glade belonging to a group of Fey.

At first, the party agreed to help the Fey and storm the tower to defeat the wizard. But after several encounters with his automaton security forces and some brief conversation with animated proxies throughout the fortress, the party came to realize that Kendrall wasn't stealing the life energy of the glade out of malice, but rather to fuel the creation of a series of magic items that would allow magic power to be shared with even common people.

Feeling that his goal was noble, if not necessarily his methods, the party convinced him to stop stealing the life energy of the forest, and rather seek the help the Bleak Cabal in Sigil to find an alternative power source for his magic. Kendrall left the forest and the Fey in peace, and offered the party an invitation to come visit his flat in Sigil should they ever be there in future.

Kendrall is obviously a powerful wizard, given his ability to animate proxies (statues, paintings, or drawings of himself) to communicate, as well as his magical walking tower. In spite of his great power, he feels the need to operate within a set of rules and to be true to his word (although he isn't above using sophistry and word-games to follow the letter of his word if not the spirit).

kendrall.1547454768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 02:32 by helga