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Hades (The Gray Waste)

The Gray Waste of Hades, located at the midpoint of the Lower Planes, is was a plane of evil balanced between Law and Chaos

The three layers of Hades are called glooms for good reason; they are realms devoid of emotion, hope, and peace. Gray land and gray sky throughout, with no sun, moon or seasons to break the monotony. Any color other than shades of gray would be obvious against the background but would fade to gray in a week or two. And like bright colors, beings would begin to fade also. At first they would feel the drain of emotions leaving only sadness, ennui, and defeatism. In a tenday or two they would be trapped in Hades and their existence would begin to fade until finally they became larvae.

The City in the Center

This is a city which exists in all of the layers of Hades simultaneously. Those staying here are immune to the will-draining effect that affects them in most of Hades. It is the largest trading center in the Gray Wastes.

There is a portal from a former soup kitchen in the Hive (destroyed during the Slimy Doom Plague)to the Oinas section of the City. The key is any piece of gray slate stained with a drop of fresh blood.


Oinas is the first layer of Hades. The Party exited a portal from the Hive area of Sigil into the Oinas area of The City in the Center. Its main inhabitants seemed to be diseased beggars. It is city policy that travelers who wish to enter the rest of the city must pass a day in quarantine first.


The second layer of Hades. The terrain here consists of foothills, with cooler temperatures, healthier vegetation including pine trees, and no disease. Everything is cloaked in dreary fog and mist, limiting vision to about a hundred feet (thirty meters).

Niffleheim can be reached by way of The World Tree, Yggdrasil. At its roots is Náströnd, the realm of Nidhogg, the worm that gnaws at the bottom of Yssdrgil. One day he will gnaw all the way through, and then Ragnarok will start.

Nastrond is mostly composed of a large underground lake, with an island on it. On the island is Nidhogg, and a feasthouse where it lives, as well as a root from the tree Yssdrgil. There is a Ferryman living on the shore of the lake who will ferry passangers from the Yssdrgil side to the tunnels for gems or magical items. Beyond the lake are some tunnels. Walking into the wind leads to Niffleheim, and walking with the wind leads to Loki's realm in Pandemonium.

The Party travelled through Nastron on their way to fight Jeb and the Blades of Hel. (32).

Death of Innocence

Death of Innocence is a town halfway between The City in the Center and The World Tree, Yggdrasil. Like the City in the Center, people who stay here are immune to Hades' will draining effects.

The town was attacked by Jeb and the Blades of Hel a while back, and managed to fend them off after massive losses, according to a planeswalker named Kherion.

Blades of Hel

The Blades of Hel were among those who attacked the Army in Ysgard while the party was dealing with the Ship of Chaos in the Abyss (28). They live at the base of The World Tree, Yggdrasil, by the mouth of the cave that leads to Hel's realm.

They have a tattoo of Hel's face split by a sword on their left breast. They know that they are doomed to go to Hel's realm for being cowards or sneaks, but they feel wronged by the world. They sometimes disguise themselves and sneak into the camps of warriors, to stab them in their sleep and deny them a hero's death.

Reinhalt saw Jeb training some of them when he scryed on Jeb after the attack on the camp(31). They also attacked the Death of Innocence (town, see above) with Jeb.

hades.1563261435.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/16 02:17 by helga