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13. Entry Thirteen (Boyle Party 2)

(Game Date: February 28th, 2016)

In disguise, the Planeswalkers infiltrated the Boyle Manor as party guests and mingled with the other nobles and their servants throughout the night. As the night wore on, Tobers took advantage of a distraction created by the others to sneak upstairs under cover of an invisibility cloak. Meanwhile, downstairs, the rest of the Planeswalkers gathered to witness the reveal of the younger Boyle son.

As he emerged into the party, the Planeswalkers took note of his newly acquired wings and saw that they matched the description of Aurach given to them by Leggis. Meanwhile, upstairs, Tobers evaded the guards and snuck into Lady Boyle's private chambers, pocketing anything of value he found along the way. Ultimately, his search bore fruit: several letters in her dresser drawer implicated her in funding the Society of the Black Lotus, as well as using Sigil's Planar Trade Consortium to ship important materials and supplies to them in the gate-town of Torch.

Finally, in order to cover his tracks, Tobers started a fire in the bedroom, before summoning both a flying mount for himself and a monster in the courtyard to distract the guards before flying away. Downstairs, the Bishop used his powers to illusion to enhance the appearance of the blaze, causing a mass panic among the guests. The Planeswalkers took advantage of the chaos to flee the party and return to the Sylvan Wayfarer before anyone was the wiser.

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entry_thirteen.1549597961.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/07 21:52 by helga