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07. Entry Seven (Palace of the Titans)

(Game Date: July 5th, 2015)

Forewarned about the presence of the Horned Knights in the Palace of the Titans by his supposed former comrade in arms Charlie, Martigan enlisted the aid of the Planeswalkers to try to talk things out with them if possible, and to fight them if necessary. Enial and Tobers opted to investigate the Palace of Cronus rather than join the rest of the party, and went ahead.

Sadly, like so many people in Carceri, Charlie turned out to be a traitor, leading Martigan and the rest of the group into an ambush. The Planeswalkers made quick work of the Horned Knights and their minions, and put Charlie to the question. He finally spilled his guts, telling Martigan that they had both come from a war camp of the Baatezu, where Martigan had signed a contract to serve the Devils as a mercenary. Charlie had offered Martigan a way to escape his ill-conceived stint as a Blood War Merc, and the two fled when an overwhelming force of Demons started bearing down on the camp. They had both been kidnapped by the Horned Knights on their way to the Palace of the Titans, and somewhere along the way Martigan had lost his memory and the two became separated.

After being recaptured by the Horned Knights, Charlie had been pressed into service to flush out fellow escaped prisoners. Martigan opted to spare Charlie's life rather than kill him for his treachery, but did manage to extract the name of a man in Sigil who could apparently help Martigan escape from his unfinished contract with the Baatezu.

Their business in the Palace done, the Planeswalkers joined Althea and a group of other beings to petition the King of Titans, Cronus, for his advice and permission to use the portal. Thankfully, Enial had secured their access ahead of time, and save for a few faux-pas and bad manners resulting in a severe singing from the Titan's lightning powers, they made it through the portal in his chambers largely unmolested.

Once through the portal, the Planeswalkers found themselves in a collapsed mine. Scouting around, they found a breach in the mine floor that lead to an underground catacomb of stone chambers, where they ran into Enial and Dahlia being attacked by a number of horrible crustacean aberrations. After a pitched battle with the monstrosities, the group scouted out the remaining tunnels and rooms to find a way to the surface and continue their journey to the portal back to Sigil.

Along the way, they found the remains (and equipment) of Dahlia's adventuring party, and she offered to cut them in on the target of her treasure hunt; the lost tomb of the Riddling Reaver, supposedly his last resting place and filled with the treasure of a lifetime of thievery.

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entry_seven.1549455884.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/06 06:24 by helga