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4. Entry Four

(Game Date: April 12th, 2015)

After debating the ethics of handing over the guards, the Planeswalkers instead hatched a different plan. Using Tobers' knowledge of creature anatomy to create a diagram of dragon vulnerabilities and forging a tactical battle map of the area, the party returned to Sheol's lair and presented the intentionally bloodied documents as proof of an impending attack, claiming the guards had fought to the death. With a persuasive presentation, The Bishop finally convinced the dragon to assault the Red Pit. But only once she had extracted an oath from Dash-A that he would neither touch her treasure hoard, nor allow any member of his group to loot it.

Meanwhile, inside the prison, Helga and Cal took up their positions in the guard room of the prison, and were surprised to encounter Enial, who had come all the way from Sigil to infiltrate the Prison himself. The three of them also met Martigan, a warrior with a strange brand on his hand and nothing but hazy memories of how he came to be imprisoned by the Mercykillers.

Once Sheol's assault on the Prison began, the remaining Planeswalkers successfully infiltrated the Red Pit via the secret path Zaphon knew and met up with the rest of the party. As chaos reigned and the guards fled to the surface to defend their fortress, the Planeswalkers freed various prisoners and descended to the level where Cal's father was being held prisoner.

There they encountered Lady Raven DuBois, who called upon some mysterious power through a strange tattoo on her arm to gird herself with magic for the battle. Unfortunately for her, this power was no match for the party, and after a brutal blow from the warrior Martigan, she tumbled down the pit in the center of the prison and vanished into the darkness.

With Cal's father in tow, the Planeswalkers made haste to escape from the prison and fled over the surface of Orthrys back to the Bastion of Last Hope, where they rested and restocked for the journey ahead.

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entry_four.1442665060.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)