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The Black Lotus Society

The Black Lotus remains shrouded in mystery. During the PCs escape from slavery, the guards leading their wagon were all bearing the mark of the Black Lotus on their armor. Calaban's cloak pin also bore the same mark. Several letters captured by the PCs hint at their activities. A slave with a grafted-on Demonic arm, and Calaban's own grafted Demonic eye also suggest the Black Lotus is involved in unnatural experiments of some sort.

When the PCs crashed a meeting of the Black Lotus Society in Sigil, they found the apparent leader ( Guildmaster Brackett ) to be a powerful wizard, with a spiked-chain wielding warrior ( Llamar ) as muscle and Lady Scarlet as the face of the organization. So far, only Brackett and Llamar remain alive, but other members of the Society and other connections remain unknown.

Known Members
Guildmaster Brackett

black_lotus.1414410825.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)