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The University of Planar Studies (Sigil, Guildhall Ward)

The University of Planar Studies is an institution of learning and research located in the Guildhall Ward in Sigil. A large gray stone building with black slate roofing, decorated with stone statues of the planar creatures it researches, the University is dedicated to furthering the knowledge of the anatomy and biology of Outsiders, Fey, Magical Beasts, and sometimes even Constructs and Draconic creatures. Due to a series of interlocking agreements with other research guilds in the city, however, they are strictly prohibited from doing any research into Humanoids of any type, Monstrous or otherwise.

Students in the University spend their days dissecting creatures, studying their physical form (internal and external) and recording their findings in the University's vast library. Spellslingers, Planewalkers, and even the Factions of Sigil pay the University a tidy sum to take advantage of their research for everything from tactical information to spell component properties. Some rumors say the fiends of the Blood War, both Baatezu and Tanar'ri, turn a blind eye to the death and dissection of their own kin in exchange for information on physical weaknesses of their enemies. Staff at the University categorically deny this, claiming to be neutral in all conflicts.

The University is not aligned with any particular faction, and accepts all students who can afford tuition. Nonetheless, certain factions find the nature of their research more interesting than others, and the bulk of the student body claims membership to either the Fraternity of Order or the Dustmen.

The University has a constant need of specimens for research and practice, and ambitious Planewalkers can make good money by restocking their inventory with dead creatures, as long as the bodies are in relatively good condition. In addition, all students must do at least one period of field study during their studies, traveling the Planes and observing the objects of their study in action. This usually means partnering with Planewalking teams, sometimes for pay, and sometimes in exchange for services. Their connection to the Sigilian community, the Factions, and Planewalkers in general have ensured that the University has both the financial and social capital to stay afloat in the notoriously cutthroat City of Doors.

university_of_planar_studies.1449916538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)