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Three Bridges (The Outlands)

A village in the Outlands several days ride from Automata. It was taken over by Devils, who enslaved the villagers and forced them to do manual labour. One of the stronger Devils was Vola, a former Erinyes and associate of Aurach the Fair. She had failed a mission in the past, and had been punished by being reformed into a Malebrunch, a brutish and stupid type of Devil.

A Baurier named Etterhorn escaped to the Automata Underground. Gywdion requested help from the Party, who rescued the villagers while the town was under attack by a boatload of Demons. Aurach hoped that the Party would slay Vola, but she proved too powerful. Her current whereabouts are unknown. The villagers were relocated to the Birth of Hope in Ysgard. ( 34)

three_bridges.1577963042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/02 05:04 by helga