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The Dirty Habit (Outlands, Sylvania)

The Dirty Habit is a combination drinking hall and performing space owned by Bishop Radagast von Figaro in the Gate-Town of Sylvania in the Outlands. It is a venue for performances of all kinds; music, oratory, acting, and even comedy. It is run by Bartholomew, who is one of the Bishop's followers.

Visitors who come to the inn must pay a cover charge of one gold to enter, partly to generate a sense of exclusivity, and partly to make admission revenues (and thus separate itself from the taverns where beer and wine flow freely). All visitors receive two tokens, red and blue, with which they vote on the night's entertainment.

Performers who would like to play can register with the doorman, in half-hour blocks of time. They must also pay the cover charge, but they stand a chance to make so much more.

Whenever performers play, there is an interlude in which Dirty Habit staff will mingle and talk to the guests. They tally the tokens that are flashed– red for those that enjoyed the last performance, and blue for those who didn't– and if more than eighty percent of the audience approve of the act, the performers are welcomed into the Order of the Kantele (one of Olidammara's symbols, and instrument of choice). They receive a silver pin-badge of the kantele, which is a symbol of their membership.

While the tallying happens, patrons give their regards and compliments to the performer, and often buy them a drink. As a side contract with the performer, whenever an aficionado buys a drink, the performer can opt between an ale or wine, or a “Ysgardian vintage.” To those curious, the Ysgardian vintage is just a concoction of various bottle- or keg-dregs mixed together and sweetened with honey or juice, but to the performers in the know, it's perfectly ordinary water. The bar keeps a tab of drinks bought for them, and at the end of the night the total of that tab is split 50-50 between the house and the performers, which can be a hefty sum.

Those who earn their kantele can come back and perform any time they wish thereafter, and no longer have to pay for admission, nor do their guests.

The Dirty Habit also serves as a pit-stop landmark for the Sigil University of Practical Economics. A horse cart and wagon are available at the Dirty Habit to take students and prospective students into the academy.

Building the Dirty Habit

Here are the components built into the Dirty Habit tavern:

  • 1 Tavern sign, 50gp (acts as a +2 diplomacy tool, as per the toolkit rules). The sign is illuminated, thanks to Father Gwydion.
  • 1 Kitchen (1 stronghold space), 2000 gp.
  • 4 Servants' bedrooms (2 ss), 800 gp.
  • 1 Tavern, basic (1 ss), 900 gp.
  • 1 storage room, basic (1 ss), 250 gp.
  • 1 Chapel, basic (1 ss), 1000 gp.
  • 1 Prestidigitation Glove, 900gp
  • 1 painting from Martigan (431.6gp, paid by Martigan)

In addition, the Dirty Habit was bequeathed 300 gp by the Bishop to the innkeeper, in case any emergency funds were needed in a pinch.

Home of the Riddling Reaver

Bishop Radagast von Figaro currently has in his possession, the plumed feather from the cap of the Riddling Reaver, as well as one of the Reaver's small finger bones. Upon his return to Sigil, the Dirty Habit will crowdfund a collection to revive the Riddling Reaver (Resurrect spell costs include a sprinkle of holy water and diamonds worth a total of at least 10,000 gp).

thedirtyhabit.1520756290.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/11 03:18 by zeromig