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The Temple of Kord

The Temple of Kord is a bold edifice tucked into a relatively small side street at the edge of the Temple District. Up past the Temple of Odin at Meat Market Square, right at the Temple of Frigga and past the Golden Bariaur Inn. An airy, spacious building lined with granite columns, the interior is given over to wide open spaces for sparring, athletics, and large hot water baths.

There is a two-way portal to Plains of Iida in the Temple of Kord, kept secret by the Clerics who run the temple. It is in the side door past the cold baths, to an old house less than a day's walk from Kord's Hall. The key is a piece of a broken shield. The party has been asked to keep its location a secret.

Kelvar, Cleric of Kord

Kelvar, Cleric of Kord, has his base at the Temple of Kord. He is an occasional associate of Helga's, and acts as her advisor from time to time.

the_temple_of_kord.1548992812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/31 21:46 by helga