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The Hall of Records

The Hall of Records serves two purposes in Sigil; a repository of city information, and the headquarters of the Fated (one of the Factions of Sigil). Taking on the responsibilities of record-keepers and tax collectors, the Fated record and store information on property, residence, and business to assist their function. Accordingly, most citizens interaction with the Fated is either in the form of tax collection, foreclosure, or inspection, making them somewhat unpopular outside their own ranks.

The Hall of Records is based in a large tower in the middle of a sprawling campus, which contains several other side buildings for dormitories, barracks, storerooms, and so on. Legend says the campus used to belong to some unnamed university before the Fated foreclosed on it, repossessed it, and made in their headquarters centuries ago.

To Faction members, the Hall is a place to go when seeking work, to submit information of interest from recent Planar excursions, or just to kick back and relax among friendly faces. To the rest of Sigil, it's the place to go to beg for an extension on backtax collection or to buy and sell property.

Popular rumors persist of a network of tunnels and chambers under the Hall of Records, containing everything from the Fated's secret treasure vault, to their forbidden library of blackmail secrets, to the torture chambers used by the Factol to punish his political enemies. Nobody knows anybody who's ever been anywhere near them to confirm, but the rumors continue to flow all the same.

the_hall_of_records.1409401662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)