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The Armory

The place where most of the weapons of the city are stored and made. The Doomguard run the place, because the use of weapons propagates entropy. The building is some 600' by 800', with the barbed construction around it reaching to almost 500'. The main building holds the storage for weapons and warmachines, the forge to make new ones, workshops to replaced damaged goods and the offices to buy and sell. The four corners hold square towers with smaller forges at the center, and offices around them.

From blueprints obtained from Savrin and investigation by the Party, they determined that the grate above the main forge will electrocute anyone who touches it, and it would be difficult for even a small creature to squeeze through it. The rest of the roof is covered with Razorvine, and the sides of the building as well, other than the towers.

There are Secret Passages in the second floor balconies, but they are rarely used (acting as emergency exits, likely), and the balconies are both guarded by two Doomgard with anti-invisibility lanterns, and are lifted onto the balconies for by Wizards, with guard changes every 4 hours.

There is an anti-magic barrier at the main gate, and guards with anti-invisibility lanterns outside the hallway that leads to the second floor offices of the Factol (Factol Pentar, a high level ranger who was apparently out of town during the party's visit) and Ely Cromlich, the Cambion in charge of running the armory. The guards outside of the offices also have the Scent ability.

The Party successfully infiltrated the Armory (Ely Cromlich's office) to get information about the Ship of Chaos, a weapon of mass destruction that was stolen in Pazunia in the Abyss

The Party has been told that they would receive a 3% discount on weapon orders under 100, 5% for over a hundred, and more discounts for more weapons after that.

(For more details see The Armory Heist:25).

the_armory.1551280972.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/27 09:22 by helga