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Sylvania (Outlands)

Sylvania is a Gate-Town to the Outlands, bordering on the Outer Plane of Arborea. Like its associated Plane, Sylvania is a place of wild passions and raw emotion, good-aligned but rugged and independent of spirit.

The town is roughly circular, made of of meandering roads that cross over each other, and rustic houses built in dozens of different styles according to the whims of their builders. The residents spend their days drinking, dancing, singing, wining, and dining almost without end. There is no central authority or ruler of Sylvania, and the people usually answer to none but themselves and each other, save for one exception; the seven Spirit Servitors. Not quite ghosts and not quite gods, the Servitors are disembodied spirits that travel from body to body in Sylvania, occupying willing hosts to watch over the town and its people. Not all hosts are quite so willing, however. Heinous criminals and truly evil troublemakers have been known to come down with sudden changes in attitude from time to time.

While the town has no central authority, there are a number of power bases. The Society of Sensation Embassy, representing the Faction and led by Ambassador Trevor Pendleton, both revels in and maintains the festive atmosphere of the town. The Olympian Temple and the Temple of Arvandor, representing the Greek and Elven pantheons respectively, constantly quarrel with each other over whose gods are better. And finally, while not a power base in the traditional sense, the Dipping Dragon Inn is the beating heart of Sylvania. A popular watering hole for visitors to the city, so-named because of the giant mechanical dragon's head that constantly “drinks” from the small pond surrounding the building, it serves as home-away-from-home for all manner of transients and Planeswalkers.

As for the portal to Arborea itself, it takes on the character of the town; invisible and always moving, it wanders through the woods outside Sylvania like a drunken bubber. Anybody wishing to travel through it simply has to get lost in the woods for long enough, and they always seem to walk out somewhere on the plane's first layer.

sylvania.1420081967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)