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The Sylvan Wayfarer (Sigil, Market Ward)

Located on the edge of the Market Ward and the Lady's Ward, the Sylvan Wayfarer is a tavern made out of living wood that caters to elves, Fey, and woodland creatures who pass through Sigil. The owner, Bosmer, is a half-wood elf from Arborea who is fluent in Elven and Sylvan, as well as Common, and most Sigilians with elven blood or Sylvan ancestry know of him at least by name.

The sign hanging over the Wayfarer's door shows a hooded elf walking down a forest path, with a sword on his belt, a walking stick in his hand, and a shield in his arm. To casual observers the shield simply bears some unknown foreign heraldry, but to those in the know it has a different meaning. The symbol on the shield is actually a combination of two Thief Marks, indicating both a Safe House and a Fence.

In fact, Bosmer the owner has ties to Sigil's criminal underworld, and offers a safe place for rogues on the run from the law inside his tavern.

sylvan_wayfarer.1449915781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)