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Her true name is Skae'phae, but her friends call her Skippy. She is a Grigg, a half-humanoid, half-grasshopper Fey and life companion to Bishop Radagast von Figaro. Skippy enjoys playing the fiddle and tagging along for the adventures, and until recently chose to stay out of combat due to her abhorrence of violence as a way to solve problems. After nearly watching her friends die at the hands of ruthless and bloodthirsty fiends, however, she reluctantly came to reconsider her attitude, and now fights at the side of the Bishop, though not without some trepidation.

Her presence and influence on the Bishop means that he's considered a friend to all Fey, but only if he lives up the ideals of an Exalted character. To this end, Skippy often acts as Bishop Radagast's moral compass, pointing out when he's not living up to the ideals and standards she's come to expect from him.

Skippy is considered a rival of Avendesorala, of the Godsmen, but it's doubtful whether Skippy feels the same way towards the Killoren avenger.

skippy.1514874263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/04 21:28 (external edit)