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Semuanya's Bog (Outlands)

A vast swampland, the bog of Semuanya is home to a wide variety of reptilian peoples: troglodytes, xvarts, kobolds, dragons, and even a draconian or two here and there. The vast majority of its inhabitants, however, are lizardfolk, both planar and petitioner. Located on the far shores of Tir fo Thuinn, not too far from the gate-town of Curst, this realm is a sanctuary to all of reptile descent, and all such beings are encouraged to come and thrive in the lush marshy lands.

Beyond the reptilian peoples and prey animals that fill this bog, a large number of nonsentient reptiles can be found here too. Alligators live here in great numbers, of course, serving as they do as Semuanya's symbol. Monitor lizards and constrictors are also occasionally spotted here, as are most smaller lizards. Rumor has it even some of the great “thunder lizards”, or dinosaurs as most know them, lurk in the depths of the swamp.

The Black Dragon

The Party fought and killed a Black Dragon who laired in Semuanya's Bog. She had terrorized the inhabitants of the Bog (the Red Fang and Black Water Lizardmen tribes, both of which worked for her, and the Wild Elves). The party learned the following information about her:

She tended to fight underwater, or on the ground. She could breathe a cone of acid as well as a line. Ssendik told us that the dragon's lair started glowing green about a month ago. The dragon started acting erratically about that time - killing minions in a paranoid manor (attacking one that said she looked nice, accusing them of flattery and trying to get her treasure).

The Dragon's Lair:

Regarding her lair, Ssendik said several monsters called Chuuls live in the depths of her moat. As for the tower itself, he said there was a secret entrance in the swamp, underwater. She had probably also cast spells on both entrances to let her know when intruders tried to enter the lair. According to Ssendik's shaman, inside the lair was a damaged glyph that looked like the one from the cave drawings. We had already heard that both entrances were likely trapped.

Upon entering the lair, the Party found that there was a gate to a strange dimension within, where the Chuuls had been sacrificing Lizardmen to something, which was likely the cause of the Green Glow and the Dragon's erratic behaviour.

The Party closed the gate and sealed the lair's entrances with Stone Shape.

Misty Island

Located near the West side of the lake in Semuanya's Bog. The island always appears at dawn, when mist is on the water.

The Gate of the New Dawn is located on the island. Legend says that cultists from another plane erected the gate , but that they are long gone. If you go through the gate, you become changed in some way. The Party heard that a fisherman came back as a ranger.

They were also told about a Druid who managed to leave the island before it disappeared, and afterwards travelled to a town in the Outlands. The dragon razed the town she was staying in, presumably killing the Druid along with the rest of the inhabitants.

Ssendik told us that it disappears after one hour, and one can hear music on the island, audible even from the shore. The music compels some listeners to swim out to the island, and anyone still on the island when it disappears has never been seen again.

Ssendik and the Lizardmen

The Bishop charmed a Lizardmen who we captured. His name was Ssendik, and he told us about the Dragon, the Lizardmen, and the Misty Island. He was part of the Black Water Tribe, who acted as scouts for the Dragon. There was another Lizardman Tribe in the area, the Red Fang Tribe, located further North, whom the Black Water Tribe were not on good terms with. They also worked for the Dragon.

The Party killed most of the Black Water scouting party that Ssendik was part of. Later, members of the Red Fang Tribe captured the Bishop and took his sword to their village. Cal and Skippy managed to get it back for him.

The Wild Elf Village

The Wild Elves who live in the Bog did not welcome the Party, as they worried they would anger the Dragon and cause more death in their village. The Shaman of the village, Gollor, showed us to a cave where we could sleep, and that had some ancient drawings that helped us neutralize the threat in the Dragon's Lair.

The Party did anger the Dragon, but they did not flee, and tried to save the Elves. The Elves helped out by fighting the Lizardmen so that the Planeswalkers could face the Dragon in combat.

They parted on good terms with the Chieftan, Galisdeer, who they gave a Dragon claw to.

semuanya_s_bog.1548508866.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/26 07:21 by helga