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Information Gathered on the Red Pit

heard from an old, scarred Githzerai in a tavern in Sigil

“I heard you're asking about the Red Pit? Yeah, I can tell you about that. But first I want to know… why are you looking for the place. You planning to bust somebody out?

Good. I hate that place, and what they did to my brother. I'm getting ahead of myself though. I know about the Red Pit because my brother did time there. He got mixed up with the Revolutionary League, some cell that had it in for Factol Nilesia of the Mercykillers. They were planning some kind of assassination attempt, but they got caught. The entire cell got sent to the Red Pit as punishment.

That'd be the end of the story for him, except he got lucky. Real lucky. He ended up sharing a cell with this canny sharper called Zaphon. An aasimar, although what some celestial touched was doing in a prison like that I couldn't guess. Zaphon was planning an escape, it turned out, and he needed an extra pair of hands. I don't know how they did it, but they busted out of the Red Pit and fled across the plane. My brother's been living on the lam ever since. I've no idea where he is, but I can tell you this. That aasimar, Zaphon, was the only sharper anyone's ever heard of who escaped the Red Pit. I heard Zaphon holed up in some Anarchist fortress in Orthrys, the Bastion of Last Hope. If you want to know how to get in and out of that hellhole, I think you ought to seek him out.

But be warned… portals leading into Carceri are a lot more common than portals leading out. Once you get in, you'll have to work to escape yourselves. Just keep that in mind.”

red_pit_info.1420384539.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)