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Gutter Jack (Hive Informant)

The caucasian human known as Gutter Jack currently lives in the Golden Peach Blossom Pavilion, which, despite its lofty name, is a derelict, run-down apartment located in the Hive– but at least it's dry and the rent is covered for a year and a day by the Bishop. Gutter Jack is unusually savvy about the going-ons throughout the Hive, and he's a great source for local gossip and news. He currently reports once a week to Savrin Moore Bedell.

Gutter Jack only has three fingers on his left hand– one he gnawed off in a fit of starving desperation, and the other, the rats gnawed off for him. He did not always live in the Hive, but instead life kind of drew him there, like detritus and refuse surrounding a storm drain. In his youth, he was an aspiring violinist with two loving parents, living in the Merchants' district; a fire he accidentally caused burned down his home with his parents inside. He has a limp on his left side, from an incident 10 years ago, when he made his one and only attempt at a criminal life: attempting to rob a wealthy landowner, he slipped on some roofing tiles, and fell off the roof, landing on his house keys. Truly, his life is an unlucky one.

Contact Details

Gutter Jack is currently a contact to the Bishop.

Once a week, Gutter Jack can give you the best possible result on a Gather Information or Knowledge: Local check for the Hive slums area of Sigil.

gutterjack.1547454794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 02:33 by helga