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Evandariel is Cal's father, an elf of considerable years and a somewhat shady past. Once a wandering rogue in service to a band of traveling adventurers and tricksters in Arborea, he was cast out of the group when control of it was usurped by Raven DuBois, who transformed the group into the Rise of the Swift as it is known today.

Locked away in the Red Pit in Carceri for decades after having displeased Raven in the past, he was rescued by his son and the rest of the Planeswalkers after they discovered of his imprisonment. Though he is still a skilled and capable thief, years of solitary confinement and torture at the hands of the Mercykillers in the Red Pit and Raven DuBois herself has left Evandariel a shell of his former self. No longer interested in adventures and glory, his only goal is to return to a quiet life, hidden from and forgotten by the evils of the multiverse.

evandariel.1437301289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)