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02. Entry Two

(Game Date: February 1st, 2015)

After camping in the swamp and setting out the next morning, Bishop Radagast von Figaro found himself both flush with energy and yet voraciously hungry. After a day's march, he was exhausted and fell asleep immediately. After examining his symptoms carefully, the party realized the Bishop had been infected with a Gutworm, a sentient and evil Abyssal variety of tapeworm. Although everyone was horrified and concerned by the discovery, the magic required to cure the affliction was beyond the Planeswalkers' grasp, and so they had no choice but to continue forward, and hope for a cure at the Bastion of Last Hope.

Slogging through the swamps of Orthrys for several more days, the Planeswalkers came across a wagon full of trade goods seemingly abandoned. Filling their pack mule with the most expensive or useful of the goods, they were about to continue on their journey when they were suddenly ambushed by four hideous flying insects. Tobers identified them as Demonhive Attendants, the hunters and soldiers of a Demonhive nest. After a brief battle with the creatures, they were slain, though the Gutworm's ability to inflict a rage-like state was revealed during the battle, much to the consternation of all.

Finally, after almost a week of trekking, the Planeswalkers reached the Bastion of Last Hope. There they were soon entangled in the politics of the four Collectives in the Bastion, each representing a different aspect of Anarchist philosophy. They also met Jochim the Mercane, a member of the plane-spanning merchant race known for bringing goods and magical trinkets from one corner of the multiverse to another. The Planeswalkers earned Jochim's trust and friendship by returning the missing trade goods from his lost wagon in the swamp, and the Mercane returned their kindness by giving the Bishop a potion to cure him of the Gutworm infection… though the cure was nearly as dangerous as the disease itself.

Jochim's friendship helped them later, when an assembly of the Anarchists was called to decide whether the Planeswalkers would be allowed access to Zaphon, the object of their quest, who enjoyed the protection of the Blue collective. After the Bishop and Cal convinced the assembled Anarchists that they were neither spies nor assassins, the Planeswalkers were guided to Zaphon.

Zaphon, as it turned out, was more than willing to assist when he learned of their plans to infiltrate the Red Pit and break out a prisoner. He displayed an extremely detailed knowledge of the prison, complete with maps, diagrams, and secret paths into the fortress. After plotting their course of action, the Planeswalkers began preparations for the dangerous job ahead.

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