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22. Entry Twenty Two

(Game Dates: Unknown)

Miguel’s September Game Update:

Day 0: So, this leads right off from the last session, wherein: - Bishop visited some treasure dealers and got blueprints from Savrin. - Reinhalt, Bal, and Skippy went to the Armory. - Dash-A and Cal went to Torch to pick up money from Giovanni.

Today's game: - (continuation from the previous night) Bishop gets a forged copy of the Doom Guard faction emblem.

Day 1: - Bishop goes with Cal to the tower. Cal is wildshaped into a raven, and is scouting, watching guard patterns. - With Fly and Invisibility cast on him, Bishop casts Clairvoyance on a corner tower. We learn that the towers are actually where the actual manufacturing takes place. - Bishop then impersonates a member of the Godsmen. I set up an appointment with Ely, citing that the Foundry wants to mend its relationship, and that this is several paygrades above me. Our representative will want to talk to the Factol herself, or to Doom Lord Ely. I meet Skugg, Ely's personal assistant. I get a feel for his mannerisms, and catch his scent (thanks to Cal's Scent spell). - DashA has gotten permission from his Factol, Factol Ombediah, to send excess iron bars to the Foundry, in exchange for nonmagical swords sent back. - Bishop gets a set of clothes that match Skugg's style. - Cal, as a Raven, discovers that the balcony guards have invisibility lanterns too, so we had to rework our plan.

Day 2: - Bal and Dash-A (and all his modrons) meet Ely, and get a tour, and everything. - Cal (as a raven), Reinhalt, Skippy and Bishop all fly up to the TOP of the roof of the Armory, which is covered with razorvine. - Cal casts Reduce Plant, which retracts the vines from a 5-foot square. Reinhalt casts stoneshop to create an opening almost directly over Ely's desk. - Skippy casts Detect Magic, and we learn there's an Alarm aura radiating from Ely's desk; Bishop suppresses it with Silence. - Float down to the desk, two drawers: one locked, one unlocked. - Reinhalt casts Instant Search, discover the documents in the unlocked drawer. Unroll them, cast Amaneusis. - Bishop casts Clairvoyance on the locked drawer, discovers some kind of magical rolled-documents case. He wants it. - Bishop uses Olidammara's relic key-chain (FOR THE FIRST TIME, WOOO) and unlocks the cabinet in only 8 tries. - Skippy casts Detect Magic and Spellcraft again, discovers it's Illusory Script. Itsatrap.jpg - Put everything back the way it was, including the scrollcase, lock it up, return the papers to the unlocked drawer. - Fly up, reseal the ceiling, regrow the vines; Reinhalt casts Teleport on himself and Bishop into Reinhalt's office in the Fated base. Reinhalt casts Amaneusis to create another copy of the document. - Cal flies off, retrieves Helga, and head back to wherever it is we planned to reunite. - Dash-A and Balbeeto successfully complete a legit transaction with the Armory. - Reunite with everyone at Perry Cuomo's tavern; he buys us all food and drinks.

Day 5: - Go meet the Githzerai named Rule of Three. Buy a merchant's pass to enter the city unmolested. - As we enter the city (read the email recap from a long time ago; can't remember the name right now), two white trees with viper heads on the branches attack everyone in the party who is good-aligned. Reinhalt, Bishop and Skippy are fine; Helga is momentarily paralyzed. - Hire an old Vrock to be our guide. Bal, being the only one who speaks Abyssal, negotiates 400gp total to take us to the tavern we need. We make it inside, and finish the session.

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entry_twenty_two.1540941786.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/30 18:23 by reinhalt