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23. Entry Twenty Three: Toby's Parents

(Side Quest By Email April 2018)


The Bishop had the Tiger's Claw locate Toby's parents while we were in Torch. They were both still slaves in Rigus; his father was a soldier slave with the Butcher's Block, his mother a scullery maid in Captain Wraithbone's household. The Bishop also did some research about Rigus in general.

Reinhalt gathered more information about Captain Wraithborne from Finnegan (that he was a closet Vodare addict), and also about a potential contact, Oreus the Half-Orc. Toby, Skippy, Helga and the Bishop travelled to Rigus, with forged slate plaques and disguises, to rescue Toby's parents.

In Rigus

They found Toby's father first. Helga bought Karloff from a slave pen called the Butcher's Block for one hundred gold pieces.

The party gained further information about Wraithbone, and about Rigus in general, from Reinhalt's spies at the Broken Slate Inn, and located Oreus and bribed him to learn that Lieutenant Wraithborne likely now gets his Vodare fix through the Fragrant Rose Apothacary (since his former supply chain was broken with Finnegan's arrest).

After stopping by the Fragrant Rose to get some Vodare, Skippy stole some blank papers from a printing press that would allow the Bishop to forge documents for the Planeswalkers to get to the third level of Rigus, where Wraithborne lived.

The Party, presenting themselves as “brown sugar” merchants at the front door of his flat, gained an audience with Wraithborne. The Bishop distracted him by pretending to be able to supply him with a purer version of Vodare than what the Fragrant Rose was offering, while Skippy stealthily located Toby's mother, showed her a letter from Toby, and helped her get away.

Both of Toby's parents are now with the Army in Ysgard.

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entry_twenty_three.1548169787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/22 09:09 by helga