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21. Entry Twenty One: Adventures in Ysgard

(Circa June -September 2017)

The Planeswalkers went to Ysgard with two objectives in mind: to deliver a letter from Enial to Nuriel, a Rogue Astral Deva living at the Hall of the Valiant, and to speak to the Oracle of Ida.

They found a portal leading to The World Tree, Yggdrasil, and hired a squirrel man with a giant centipede to take them to the earthberg. They travelled by foot, using a special salve that let them endure the cold more easily, as well as spells.


The Party went to the Geldenheim, the hall of a lord, or Yarl. His father had been a great warrior, who had slain a White Dragon, but the current Yarl was not well liked, and had a grudge against the Bishop for stealing away his concubine in the past. He trapped the Bishop and Skippy, along with Helga, in a vast treasure hall with trapped exits. The two met a thief who had also apparently been trapped in the hall, but was in reality the Bishop's god Olidamara. They escaped the hall with a large amount of treasure. Olidamara robbed them of most of it, but left behind an item for each party member, including The Keyring of Olidamara for the Bishop.

Giant Attack

During their travels, the Planeswalkers were attacked by two Frost Giants and some Winter Wolves. They killed the Wolves and one Giant, and to use magic to send the other one away from the fight.

The Plains of Ida

After defeating the Frost Giants and the Wolves, the Party visited The Plains of Ida, where perpetual festivals are held for warriors to show off their prowess. The Planeswalkers participated in Densahl's challenge, trying to break off as big a piece of rock off a rocky tor as possible with a sledgehammer. Helga broke a larger than average sized chunk off, and befriended Abraxis the Battle Dragon, who later joined the Army in Ysgard.

They also ran into a lawyer-warlock from Sigil named Reinhalt. He had been hired by Savrin because the Black Lotus had been spreading lies about the Party in Sigil. He also cautioned them that a Bladeling assassin had been hired to kill them.

The Planeswalkers travelled on to meet the Oracle of Ida. She delivered a personal message to each of them.

The Bishop was told to learn how to take a joke in stride, because Olidammara had great things in store for him, but that might include him being the butt of a joke. She told Helga that the Party would need an army to defeat the Black Lotus, and also said the following: “The Black Lotus is not the top. Kill the puppetmaster, not the puppet.”

Afterwards, The Planeswalkers went to Kord's feast hall. He spoke to all of them, but none of them could recall what was said after the fact (Dash-A thinks the Party was roofied). They delivered a letter from Enial to the Astral Deva, who became angry and disappeared.

The Assassin

The next day, they move on towards a portal that will lead them straight to Sigil, stopping at a town to rest on the way. Reinhart and the Bishop try to scry on the assassin, and instead saw a scene of the assassin– in disguise– hiring four bandits, probably to distract the party while the real assassin carried out her work.

The Planeswalkers continued towards the portal, but with the Bishop providing an illusionary double of the party far ahead of them, to hopefully trigger the sneak attack prematurely. It worked, and a fight ensued with the four bandits, while someone invisible shot poisoned arrows at them. When the assassin tried to flee, Cal- wildshaped as a Dire Bat- used echo location to track her back to a campsite.

She escaped from the Party, but later investigation revealed her to be Adamok Ebon, a Bladeling Hunter and sometimes assassin.

The Party returned to Sigil to deal with the allegations that had been made against them.

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entry_twenty_one.1550026198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/12 20:49 by helga