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21. Entry Twenty One

(Game Dates: Unknown)

Miguel’s August Game Update:

  • - Sealed the dragon lair's extra tunnels. Healed the sick and injured from the elven village, and pitched for them to join the army– they take the Bishop's offer to join us in our final raid (to use them as scouts – Michael's idea), but will remain in the village for now, because of their depleted numbers, and because of the inevitable warring against the lizardmen, who were previously cowed by the dragon.
  • - Over the next two days, Reinhalt teleports the party back to the portal town, thereby unwittingly saving us from an ambush. Skippy invents the Country Music genre while performing at this downtrodden tavern.
  • - Back in Sigil, everyone spent their first day doing personal business. Reinhalt filed a report at the Fated HQ on the dragon, on the glyphs, and the spell scroll found there. Skippy spends 50gp to hire a bard friend to write the epic of the Bishop and she taking on the dragon, with friends, and to perform and spread the tale. Bishop sells the crown via the Tiger Claw, discovers he made a neat little profit in the last month, and that he's being shaken down for money; he also sells the dragon viscera through Tobers at the UPS, and gets a message from Savrin (more below), then spends time with Savrin. Helga upgrades the army, learns we know have a Battle Dragon recruit, and learns they need exercise. Cal visits his father and his girlfriend. Dash-A works at the forge. Balz (Michael's character?) works at the forge, the learns about a mission from Perry Cuomo, his bard friend (and incidentally Spymaster for the church of Pelor)– more about the mission below.
  • - Savrin's letter: it's from Enial, and he has important news for us. He asks us to exclude Balz, then asks us– including Reinhalt, so Ryan might have some questions for him– to head to the Hive, and look for the Goatswood Boys at the Viswick's Boughs tavern. We meet a contact there, a young urban druid lad with a mannequin construct, and he takes us to Enial, who's locked himself in the anti-scrying version of a Faraday Cage.
  • He tells us to trust literally no one with this information, (of course Bishop tells Savrin the very next day) but he tells us of a person called the Shadow Lord. This Shadow Lord is the true orchaestrator several levels above and beyond the Black Lotus, and that removing the Black Lotus isn't enough. The Shadow Lord has killed a god in the past.
  • Enial's mission: he gave us a sealed scroll, bearing a secret portal password, in exchange for the location of a secret pad lock that will match a spiky-horned key that we received in the hieroglyphed dungeons (where we first received the cursed dagger). We will make this exchange with a Bone Naga named Donat Sanp. We can find Donat Sanp in Zelatar, at a tavern called “Sign of the Black Heart” in the Abyss. BUT, Donal Sanp can't afford to be seen with us, and he cannot leave his office– therefore, we need to find a way into his office, secretly. Our absolute first words to him must be “Life is fleeting, but death endures” or else he'll sound the alarm and/or kill us. Enial also recommends we get Merchant's passes, in order to have easier access around the city.
  • Donal Sanp is the Bone Naga ambassador of a Drow undead goddess. Enial's secret scroll bears the name of a rival who would challenge the Drow goddess.
  • - The next day, we meet Perry Cuomo for breakfast in Sigil. He tells us of a heist he'd like us to do. The Doom Guard have in their possession blue prints of a weapon of mass destruction, which might be used in the Blood Wars (?). Perry really wants to take a look at the plans– ideally, he wants a copy, without letting the Doom Guard know, because the news of a church meddling in an entire faction's business would be terrible if it became common knowledge. We only have mere days to pull off the heist, but in exchange, he'll share intel access with us (ideally, to learn more about the Black Lotus citadel).
  • - Heist preparation:
  • Reinhalt, Balz and Cal go to the Doom Guard armory to stake it out. Cal changes into a raven, and examines the latticework, gated roof– touching the lattice electrocutes you, and even for a small character it would be a tight squeeze.
  • Near the office suite, there is a room where guards are kept, so approaching the offices would be extremely difficult. Savrin also gives us intel that they have a special lantern that reveals those under an Invisibility spell. Somewhere on the second floor balconies, there is a secret doorway that acts as an emergency exit from the offices.
  • The three caballeros head into the armory factory and also learn that they will give us a 3% discount on weapons orders under 100, 5% for over a hundred, and more discounts for the more weapons we need. Currently we only have 30-some army recruits.
  • Dash-A meanwhile heads to Giovanni in Torch, and gets our money (we need to split that up next game). He also learns that Giovanni's faction are being shaken down by the Friends of Tiamat, a rival gang we infiltrated. This is a perfect test mission for the army, to knock the Friends of Tiamat back down in place, because they're reducing our cut of loot.
  • Meanwhile, the Bishop goes to Savrin, to the Fated's secret library, and gives her the scoop on the mission, AND Enial's mission. Savrin wants a copy as well but she will give us a set of blueprints of the Doomguard armory.

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entry_twenty_one.1540942557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/30 18:35 by zeromig