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15. Entry Fifteen

(Game Date: April 10th, 2016)

As they put the Weary Spirit Infirmary in order, Kendrall enlisted the help of some of the Planeswalkers to dig through Rednir Tetch's documents for any hard evidence of wrongdoing that would stand up in court. After digging up enough to make a strong case, they transported Tetch and the necessary evidence to the nearest Harmonium watch office and turned him in. In the meantime, the rest of the group handed over the bodies of the Hezrou and the Illithid to the University of Planar Studies in exchange for some gold.

After taking care of various personal matters around Sigil, Martigan enlisted to aid of the party for a personal quest. Explaining some of his history from his now-recovered memories, he told the tale of how he entered into a Pact Insidious with the Baatezu Army in order to go into Carceri and retrieve a legendary sword. Now that he had the sword, he no longer wished to be embroiled in his Pact, but reneging on a fiendish contract is no simple matter. In order to get something he needed to escape the Pact, he had agreed to retrieve a strange crystal from a lighthouse in the Outlands. Having been warned that the lighthouse was probably inhabited, and possibly guarded, he asked the rest of the Planeswalkers to join him in his quest.

With the promise of glory and treasure ahead, the rest of the group agreed, and the Planeswalkers followed the map given to them to find the lighthouse. After dealing with various monsters and obstacles along the way, including an Air Elemental, strange portals to the Positive and Negative Energy Planes, and a horde of incorporeal Energons, they finally retrieved the crystal they sought, as well as a large pile of gold and other treasures.

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entry_fifteen.1514874263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/11 02:05 (external edit)