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Enial's Farewell Letter

(found between the pages of “The Practical Applications and Side Effects of Pigwort” in the library of the University of Planar Studies)

My friends,

I will be away from you for sometime, I think. I can't tell you where I will be, but you should be careful. I suspect the Black Lotus are more powerful than you can imagine.

Calaban was just a soldier. He was not yet part of the inner circle. His master was called Royce Brackett. If you can, find out more about this man. Calaban believed he was the head of the Black Lotus society. If so, he is over a hundred years old and very powerful.

You can find Lady DuBois in the gate town of Sylvannia in the Outlands. If you pose as agents of the Black Lotus, she and her lieutenants will meet you personally and you can bypass security. I suspect this trick won't work twice and it won't work long. If she is uncooperative, send her to me.

If you have a message for me, leave it in this book.


enial_s_farewell_letter.1415710429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)