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The Boyle Family

A noble Sensate family who had a manor in Sigil. Lady Esma Boyle was (perhaps still is) a patroness of the Black Lotus. The Party, following leads to track the disappearance of Aurach the Fair, infiltrated a party at her manor.

They found evidence that Aurach's wings had been grafted to the younger Boyle son's back as a gift from his mother, and also documents that implicated her in funding the Society of the Black Lotus, as well as using Sigil's Planar Trade Consortium to ship important materials and supplies to them in the gate-town of Torch.

The party ultimately burned down the manor. What became of the Boyle family after that night is unknown. (11,12)

boyle_family.1549597875.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/07 21:51 by helga