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(enciphered scroll, found in a scrollcase on the belt of a Black Lotus slaver guard in the first game. Decoded with the cipher wheel found on the Bladeling leader in the Automata Underground)


The bearer of this missive is traveling with the latest batch of recruits I scouted for us in Sigil. There are several truly rare and interesting specimens that you'll be able to make use of. The Modron is of a very unusual type, with draconic features. I have no idea how it became this way, but the alchemists in the labs should be interested in studying it before harvesting it for components.

The cleric and the sage both seem to have some knowledge of healing magic, and the sage in particular seems very skilled in anatomic study based on the books he carried. If one or both of them could be convinced to join our cause willingly, they could assist in the Great Work. If not, there are other ways we can put them to work.

The elf has some unusual features, but otherwise seems an unremarkable specimen. He seems to have some magical ability, although whether its useful or not is uncertain. At the very least, he can be put to work as simple labor. There is always more need of that.

I fear our relationship with the innkeeper Sloan has come to an end. His requests for larger and larger cuts of our “profits” are growing tiresome, and I fear he may be realizing our business is more than simple slave trading. The risk of discovery by the local authorities is also growing. It may be time to secure alternate routes for our cargo. I have cut ties and moved on from Rigus. I will make my way back to Sigil and see what new alliances I can make.

May Ascension Reach Us
Your Servant,

(letter found on Bladeling leader in Automata Underground after the battle in the old tavern. Enciphered with the same key found on the first letter, decoded with the same cipher wheel)

“Master Salazar,

Thank you for your kind letter. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship between your company and ours. I have sent my servant Calaban with this message, as he will help you establish yourselves in the Automata Underground.

Regarding your concerns about the Council of Anarchy, our intelligence tells us that the erinyes called Aurach the Fair is the only real threat. I have made personal arrangements to have her removed right before you deploy. The remaining two Council members are nothing your men cannot handle; a githzerai lowlife and a vagrant woman. Drive them out or kill them quickly enough, and the rest of the Underground will fall in line.

Once you are in control, you are free to run the place as you wish. All we request is that you allow our caravans, our agents, and our cargo to pass through the portal freely to and from the Outlands. Naturally, a regular share of our profits will be yours, as thanks for your safeguarding the route.

Lastly, to assist you in keeping control of the Underground, I have arranged for one more small gift; some extra muscle, if you will. Calaban will explain more himself, but I pray you find it useful.

May Ascension reach you,
Guildmaster Bracket”

black_lotus_scroll.1409413293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)