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Report 5.5 : In which the Bishop asks for Savrin's hand for marriage

NOTE: All of this is from the Bishop's personal journal, and has not been filed with the Hall of Records. This follows immediately after the trip to meet Red Shroud, the night before Bishop's Report 6. Immediately after returning to Sigil, I go find Savrin and tell her about the lack of iron mines in the waste.

* * *

When you relay the situation to Savrin, you can almost see the gears turning in her mind as she absorbs the situation. “…you look presentable enough.” She licks her finger to flatten a stray tuft of hair. “We'll go see mother right away. Just try not to be yourself, and let me do most of the talking.”

* * *

You're no stranger to the Bedell family home, but the place has a certain intimidating atmosphere about it. The wealth implied by the decor is far from exhorbitant, but still several pay grades above your own, and it makes every effort to remind you of the fact.

The drawing room that Savrin's mother chooses for your conversation is polished maplewood, with a carved mahogany table upon which coffee is served in silver-rimmed china cups. The bookcases behind Savrin's mother are thick with dust, and the ticking of the grandfather clock is the only sound that breaks the awkward silence.

The Lady Bedell, Senior, studiously avoids eye contact. Her floor-length dress is a button-down affair with a high collar and a corset, her hair tied up in a prim bun. She regards her coffee cup as Savrin fills her in on the details of your information, and your proposal.

After a lengthy pause, the Lady Bedell speaks. “An opportunity, to be sure. One with great potential for exploitation.” She sips her coffee. “It's my understanding that your father has investments in an iron mine on Acheron, Savrin. Near the Wells of Vorkehan if I recall.”

“Yes, mother. A fifty percent stake. The other two stakeholders are…”

“Master Vlin and the Lady Dougal. Do you recall me asking you to research them in the Hall of Records all those years ago?”

“I do, mother. I believe I told you about their…vices.”

“Vlin would be devastated if his dear old mother learned that he preferred Dagon as a patron over the family church. As for Lady Dougal…” she smiles. “I'm sure that her youthful indescretion at Fierna's Kiss is something she'd prefer stayed in the past. They can be convinced to part with their stakes in the mine for a very reasonable price I'm sure.”

“Yes mother.”

“Master von Figaro, you are to be commended for your judgement. I will dispatch a team to Broken Reach immediately to negotiate our contract. Red Shround will easily be willing to pay three to four times the market price , so we shall undercut the competition and offer her two and a half. We can't possibly supply all her needs with the one mine, but we'll loosen her dependence on the bigger suppliers and get our foot in the door.

“Savrin, you can handle the affairs regarding the mine I presume. Once the ownership is fully in the family name, you are to order the mine's full production to be delivered to our warehouses in the Guildhall Ward. We'll ship to Broken Reach from there.”

“Yes mother.”

“Master von Figaro. Your information was instrumental in this opportunity, yet you lack the resources or connections to exploit it. My family has the latter. From this, I offer you these very reasonable terms. You will provide fully 100 platinum coins to cover your stake in the enterprise. I will cover the rest. In exchange, you will be provided a full third of all profits from this venture. You will, naturally, agree to these terms…the alternative is that I take your information and act on it alone.” She smiles thinly as she finishes her coffee.

* * *

With the meeting concluded, Lady Bedell bids Savrin leave first and asks you to stay. The servants refill both your cups and clear away the third, leaving the two of you alone together for the first time in…ever, to your memory.

Before you can speak, Lady Bedell takes her cup and walks over to the window. “I have great hopes for my daughter, Master von Figaro.” She takes another sip. “Of my seven children, she is my only daughter. All of her brothers have succeeded in life, and I hope to see her match them in that success. If not exceed it.”

She turns to face you, making eye contact. Her stare is intense and unforgiving. “Which is why when I found her eye had caught some grifting vagabond without even a permanent address, I was far from impressed. A fling I can understand. A woman of her position can afford a few disposable one night stands, but the moment I suspected she was remotely serious I was gravely concerned.”

She sets her cup back on the table and resumes her seat. “And yet…in spite of my initial judgement, you have surprised me. Your bawdy house in Sylvania is hardly the sort of enterprise I would be happy associated with the family name, and yet I cannot deny its success…nor the pedigree of its financial backing. Zadara is famous for her discerning judgement after all.

“In the intervening time, I've seen your fortunes swell. Your school is successful. Your name is spoken of in circles more dignified that the seedy pubs of itinerant planeswalkers. So I am willing…to revisit my opinion of you.

“If this lead of yours pans out, Master von Figaro, and this business venture sees success…then I will consent to give my daughter's hand in marriage.”

She takes a final sip, emptying her cup. “But if you make me regret this decision, or if any harm comes to Savrin…of ANY sort…I will bend every resource at my family's disposal to see you die penniless and in disgrace.”

Her last words spoken, she rises and walks towards the door. She doesn't bother to turn her head as she leaves. “You remember the door you came in from, I assume. Please see yourself out.”

You suspect this is the warmest reception a suitor for Savrin's hand can possibly expect.

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bishopreport7.1548517442.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/26 09:44 by zeromig