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Bartholomew Django (Dirty Habit Bartender)

Bartholomew was the son of an innkeeper on the surface in Automata, and was very passionate about his father's trade. He helped out whenever he could, learning the trade, which ales were which, how to cook decent food, and how to talk to the customers. He became versed in a smattering of topics including Planar Lore, planar geography, and various monsters.

He fully expected to inherit his father's tavern and take over the business, which is why he was shocked to find his father left it to his elder sister in his will. His sister had no interest in running the business, and despite desperate pleas from Bartholomew, sold it to the City Council for a big pile of coin, hoping to leave Automata and travel to Sigil to find a rich husband and live the high life.

Bartholomew is tight lipped about what happened after that, but whatever happened, he was forced to move from the surface to the Automata Underground, where he put his knowledge, skill, and passion for bartending to work in the Open Pit Tavern.

After the Bladeling conquest of Underground, he was kicked out and his tavern used as their base due to its portal to Sigil. Even though the Bladelings were killed and Automata freed, the death of a Councilmember in his attic gave the place a bad rep, and so he left the Underground and took the position of bartender of the Dirty Habit.

Follower Details

Bartholomew is a follower (not a Contact) of Bishop Von Figaro.

bartholomew.1549254187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/03 22:23 by helga