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Al-Rashid is a were-tiger, a Natural Lycanthrope from Arborea (or so the story goes) and the master of the Tiger's Claw thieves guild.

A fierce combatant, Al-Rashid is a bandit king at heart, and sees nothing wrong with depriving fat, wealthy nobles and merchants of their purses. He is still an honorable man, however, and will not abuse his position to pick on the weak or defenseless. Although killing for money is not out of the question, Al-Rashid is extremely picky about which jobs he and his guild will take, and won't accept anything that crosses his personal code.

According to stories among Hive Ward thieves, Al-Rashid first came to Sigil a dozen years ago in the company of two other planewalkers. The three of them had a score to settle with the Broken Finger, a ruthless gang of bullies and cutthroats occupying a rundown manor house in the Marble District of the Hive Ward in Sigil. After killing the Broken Finger's leader and his inner circle, Al-Rashid chose to stay behind, offering amnesty to the remaining guild members if they sword fealty to him. He renamed the guild the Tiger's Claw and over the years, transformed it into a guild of professional rogues and scoundrels.

Contact Details

Al-Rashid is a Contact to Bishop Radagast von Figaro.

- Once per in-game week, Al-Rashid can use his contacts in the underworld to scour Sigil for useful information and rumors. Automatically succeed on a Gather Information check relating to the underworld, criminals, or illegal dealings.

- Once per in-game month, Al-Rashid can donate the use of a small band of his men. Either five Level 1 Rogues or one Level 3 Rogue will perform one favor or involve themselves in one encounter. The Rogues can provide a distraction, attempt to steal something, attempt to spy on someone, join the PCs in combat, or attack a target on their own. Note that leading these Rogues to their deaths needlessly will likely anger Al-Rashid, and may cause him to withdraw this ability or cancel the contact relationship entirely. Use with caution.

al-rashid.1547452263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 01:51 by helga