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Adamok Ebon (Bladeling Assassin)

Adamon Ebok is the Bladeling fighetr/priestess who was hired to assassinate the party. Hailing from the Bladeling city of Zoronor on Acheron, she is seven feet tall and covered in a thick, leathery, metal-encrusted hide through which sharp bone spikes of wood, steel and ice punch outward. Her primary job is as a hunter, guide, and domesticator of wild animals, she is also an assassin on the side. She only takes jobs that interest her, and only charges enough to maintain her simple lifestyle.

Her regular haunts are the Fat Candle, a tavern off the Hull Road in the Guildhall Ward of Sigil, and the Feathernest Inn, the most private Inn in the ward. The Fat Candle is lit by only one barrel sized, vanilla candle in the centre of the room, making it difficult to see the patrons clearly. She sells a lot of the parts of beasts she hunts to Parts and Pieces in the Lower Ward, or to the taxidermist who runs Zakk's Corpe Curing.

adamok_ebon.1548846999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/30 05:16 by helga