RANESSA VON FIGARO HAWKING (Paladin 6 / Legendary Leader 4)

Ranessa is a prominent member in the Church of Pelor, and a member of the Transcendent Order. Initially, she did not believe in Pelor at all, but in Kord; she joined the killing fields of Ysgard to prove her mettle, which she did with gusto. Each time she lay dying on the field, however, she wondered whether she was brave enough to earn reincarnation, and prayed to see the sun the next day. It was not long before she felt the whole thing was pointless, and, knowing the next time she fell she'd unlikely be reborn, left the army and converted to Pelor, where she hoped to help as many people as she could with the strength of her blade. There quickly grew a cult of personality around her, and she's become a near-legendary figure on the battlefield, earning the nickname “The Sword Saint.”

When she learned that the Bishop was helping the Church of Pelor, and hoping for their help in return, Ranessa immediately filed a request to join the strike team that'd been earmarked to assist Radagast, which was granted. Although the two are fraternal twins, they're not close; she playfully teases him about his cowardice and his excesses, whereas the Bishop actually joined the fighting in Ysgard in order to find her (and hopefully toughen himself up). Ranessa is the elder, and marginally taller, twin, but no one beyond their family knows they each have a remarkable, and famous, sibling.

She is part of The Pelor Strike Team