Helga’s Journal: Entry 3

(Dec 2018)

We're in Pazunia now, going to destroy that big warmachine that the Armoury made. I gotta say, it's less crappy than some of the other hells we've been too. Too hot, but no swamps, and some decent fights. Speaking of fights, I'm kind of looking forward to killing Jecht. Or he could just leave, I really don't care. He's just kind of noisy and a pain in the ass. Balbitoe is having fun with him though, and I guess he might know some stuff that we need to know, so whatever.

I really didn't want to back down attacking that guy at the gate. Like, does Bal have more balls than I do? No, I'm gonna say he's just less experienced a fighter than me. For one thing, that guy wasn't attacking us. For another, I got more important things to do than to get killed by a gate keeper. I s'pose we should have tried to rescue that gnome by his side, but I'm not feeling real friendly to whisper gnomes right now. Anyway, I'll free more slaves in the long run this way. Not being dead, and all. I guess maybe we'd better think about a different way to get back home, though. Skippy can probably help with that.

Well, we're almost at Broken Reach so all we gotta do is mess up the warship, and then we can get back to Sigil. I bought a bunch of things to blow it up when we find it, although the Bishop seems to think he's gonna take it back home with him. We'll see, I guess.

Hey, is that it? Holy…

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