===== The Bishop's Men ===== Bishop Radagast Von Figaro has a leadership score of [LEVEL] + 4 CHA + 2 great reknown + 2 leadership feat bonus (HOB 96) + 1 fairness and generosity + 1 special power + 2 stronghold - 1 moves around alot. As of level 13, his score is 24, which allows him 243 HD of followers. Ten of them, including the ones below, are already at level 6. Table may be found on DM 106. ------ [[ollie_shank|OLLIE SLANT]] * Tiefling / Rogue 6 * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Sleight of Hand * Feat 3 Daredevil Athlete (Complete Scoundrel) * Feat 6 Urban Stealth KELEK STRONGHEART * Human / Bard 6 * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Gather Information * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Bluff * Feat 3 Skill Focus: Disguise * Feat 6 Skill Focus: Smatterings GWENIVAR RENWICK * Human / Bard 6 * Feat 1 Improved Disguise * Feat 1 Versatile Spellcaster * Feat 3 Focused Performer * Feat 6 Master Linguist ABIGAIL "POCKETS" CISZERNA * Human / Planar Bard 6 * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Perform * Feat 1 Extra Music * Feat 3 Versatile Performer * Feat 6 Master Linguist JASPAR TORDIG * Human / Planar Bard 6 * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Perform * Feat 1 Extra Music * Feat 3 Versatile Performer * Feat 6 Smatterings HELNA MAES * Human / Thug 6 * Feat 1 Improved Initiative * Feat 1 Weapon Finesse * Feat 2 Weapon Focus * Feat 3 Power Attack * Feat 4 Improved Bull Rush * Feat 6 Two Weapon Fighting * Feat 6 Improved Two Weapon Fighting EATON CARTWRIGHT, ESQUIRE * Human / Rogue 5 - Stoneface 1 (Dragon magazine 310) * Feat 1 High Society * Feat 1 Skill Focus: Bluff * Feat 3 Skill Focus: Diplomacy * Feat 6 Skill Focus: Sense Motive TYBALT GOODSTAR * Tiefling / Fighter Rogue 5 - Assassin 1 * Feat 1 Mageslayer * Feat 3 Improved Initiative * Feat 6 Skill Focus: Move Silently MONGOOSE * Gnome / Spellthief 4 - Wizard 2 * Feat 1 Practiced Spellcaster * Feat 3 Versatile Spellcaster * Feat 6 Master Spellthief [[bartholomew|BARTHOLOMEW DJANGO]] * Human / Expert 6 * Feat 1 Skill Focus (sense motive) * Feat 1 Skill Focus (profession innkeeper) * Feat 3 Negotiator * Feat 6 Business Savvy ------ The following are not true followers to the Bishop, but are instead paid employees who manage the SUPE. LENNIFER (LEN THE SLY) DARROW * Whisper Gnome / Rogue ?? - Shadow Dancer ?? * One of the current headmasters for the SUPE in the Bishop's absence. As a teacher, her purview is teaching breaking and entry, how to find contacts to fence your goods, and how to bluff convincingly. COMMANDER VIMES SMITH * Human / Urban Ranger ?? - Urban Soul ?? * An older, former member of Sigil's city watch, Vimes retired when he injured himself, falling from a rooftoop while pursuing Len. After spending close to two decades chasing her, she came to him while convalescing, and the two started an odd sort of romance. As a teacher, his purview is teaching about how city watches operate, and how to break out of even masterwork manacles. LADY JANE GREYMALKIN * Human / Noble * An older friend of Lennifer's, she's a resident of the Lady's Ward in Sigil, but often spends her days wherever Len is, as she lives vicariously through the now-retired thief. She's currently residing at the SUPE, and as an unofficial guest and instructor, she teaches the students how to act among the nobility, elocution, and how to play a dizzying array of musical instruments.