=====Bloodwing (Baatezu Godfather)===== Bloodwing is the Godfather of all the Baatezu (Devils) in Sigil. [[Martigan]] had made a Pact Insidious with them to serve in the Bloodwar. After he retrieved his sword, Martigan ran away from the camp, and broke the Pact. After Martigan returned to Sigil, Bloodwing had assassins hunt him down. Martigan fled to the Safety of ([[the Great Gymnasium]] while the rest of the Party found a way to break his contract. {[[entry seventeen#17]]) ====Marrow Gristlegut==== Marrow Gristlegut, an Amnizu who was a subordinate of Bloodwing's, agreed to nullify the Pact if the Party would surrender the True Name (of Bloodwing?) to him, in addition to helping him find and capture the Blood War recruiter that had sold the contract to Martigan in the first place (the recruiter had failed to meet his quotas and gone into hiding). Some members of the Party did not want to turn a man, even an evil one, over to the Baatezu. Finally, [[Tobers]] cut a deal with Marrow Gristlegut, turning the recruiter over without the knowledge of the rest of his party (to be tortured for a week), and Martigan was freed from his contract. ([[entry seventeen#17]]) {{tag>NPC}}