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perry [2019/08/18 20:35]
perry [2020/01/02 04:51] (current)
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 Perry is also the Church'​s contact for [[Team Pelor#the Pelor Strike Team]], who he tasked with finding the whereabouts of a Githzerai who was searching for information on the [[Black Lotus]] in [[Gehenna]]. Perry is also the Church'​s contact for [[Team Pelor#the Pelor Strike Team]], who he tasked with finding the whereabouts of a Githzerai who was searching for information on the [[Black Lotus]] in [[Gehenna]].
 +Perry is currently in hiding after an assassination attempt on his life, near the Library of Thoth, while he was looking into the [[Shadow Lord]] at Helga'​s request. ​ He was luckily saved by [[Daniel]] the Rogue Astral Deva. ([[entry thirty four#34]])
 {{tag>​NPC}} {{tag>​NPC}}
perry.1566178526.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/08/18 20:35 by helga