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Black Marian

A young woman, dressed in rags with disheveled hair, Black Marian is always seen around a particular fountain in the Lady's Ward of Sigil. She usually spends her time feeding and talking to a flock of unusually colored pigeons that frequent the fountain, but she's known across Sigil as a fortune-teller with an uncanny track record.

For the cost of a silver penny, she'll tell anybody their fortune. All they need to do is drink a ladle of the fountain's water (something many balk at, given the pigeon feathers floating in it) and Marian will listen to the sound of the water splashing in the fountain to hear some snippet of information pertinent to their future.

Most scoff at Marian's predictions. After all, she obviously isn't casting any spell, divine or arcane. It certainly doesn't help that her predictions are usually obscure and hard to interpret. “Mind your head tomorrow” might mean bumping your head on a door sill, or being clubbed over the head by an angry fiend (something a skeptical Paladin learned the hard way after scoffing at Marian's prediction the day before).

For whatever reason, though, Marian's vague and nebulous predictions always seem to come true, so many in Sigil seek her out for advice about the future. There's a catch, however. She can only tell a particular person's future once, and there's no guarantee that the information will be about anything they want to know. As for Marian herself, the regular flow of silver coins for her prediction from curious visitors and locals is enough to keep her fed, clothed, and sheltered day by day, and that's enough for her.

black_marian.1514874263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 02:20 (external edit)