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28. Entry Twenty Eight: Broken Reach

(Side Mission, November 2018)

Preparation (in game)

Reinhalt did some research on Broken Reach, a city in the Abyss near where the Ship of Chaos was spotted. Perry met with the Party to discuss the mission. He loaned them Fiend Slayer Amulets, which do an extra 1d6 damage to Evil Outsiders, and gave them fifty levels worth of Divine Spell Scrolls to help them on the mission.

The Party decided to first send a scouting team to Broken Reach to get more details about the Ship. As Party members like Dash-A and Helga would be too well-known, the group consisted of the Bishop (also famous, but in disguise), Reinhalt and Toby (also disguised).

Upon further research, and learning that the ruler of Broken Reach (Red Shroud) was a powerful Succubus, Balbito was also invited along to help with level drain or other effects. The Party also learned that Red Shroud has a collection of exotic poison. They decided to bring her some as a gift, and asked Tobers what he thought would be appropriate. He mentioned that Ravages (holy poisons that hurt Demons) might be hard to come by in the Abyss,- so we bought some (freely given) Unicorn Blood.

(By Email)

From talking to some contacts Savrin told him about, the Bishop learned many more details about Red Shroud. Meanwhile Reinhalt did some research about Succubi at the Fated Library, and about Portals to Broken Reach, both at the main library and at Rowan Hall. ​ Reinhalt bought some Abjuration spells that he hoped might help against the Succubus's charms (Protection from Evil CL5), then researched portals in the area they were heading towards. The Bishop brought Toby to Kelak, an acquaintance of his at a “make-up studio”, to have him disguised as a Tiefling, and also disguised himself as one.

The group of four then headed through the portal to Broken Reach in Plague-Mort. On the Broken Reach side (an underground crypt), they were accosted by two Tieflings and a Cambion (M'lar) who attempted to collect a visitor's tax of one hundred gold per person from them. The Planeswalkers were unsure if this was an official tax or not.

After a brief discussion telepathically between the Party members, the Bishop spoke up, and said that he represented a merchant consortium from Sigil wishing to speak with Red Shroud, and demanded that the Cambion bring the party directy to her without trying to grift them. He simultaneously cast a Suggestion spell on M'lar.​

The trick worked, and the Party was led up to the Gate Plaza, and into the main hall of a nearby cathedral. There was a ceremony going on there to Pazuzu, led by five Vrock who sacrificed some Soul Larvae. Red Shroud was there, held aloft on a sedan chair by four Cambions, with four Babau Demon guards.

Red Shroud seemed to realize that the Party had used magic on M'lar, but granted them an audience anyway. Reinhalt repeated their cover story of being servants of a wealthy Sigil merchant interested in doing business in Broken Reach, and gave her the Unicorn Ravage. She told them that if their “master” wanted to sell his wares in Broken Reach, they would have to pay at least a dozen fine star rubies of adequate size and cut, or half as many souls, for each day, but that they would be free to charge any price and keep all the profits, and that she did not tolerate violence there, and expected the Party to aid in preventing any violence from happening. She then instructed M'lar to guide them around the city. As the party was taking their leave, she magically seduced Toby in order to kiss him.

The Bishop quickly (and secretly) cast an illusion to make it seem as if the Party were afflicted by the ravages of an STD. Red Shroud saw through his bluff, and asked him to come forward to be kissed instead. However, the Bishop, having a strong mind, managed to overcome her seduction magic and was unharmed by the kiss. Red Shroud seemed unhappy about the situation, but after having a quiet word with M'lar and giving him something which he pocketed, she let the Party go on their way.

The Bishop and Toby headed with M'lar to the Oasis to get a drink, while Reinhalt and Bal went to talk to the merchants in the market plaza. ​

Reinhalt talked to the merchants with wagon trains around the gate. While pretending to be interested in their merchandise, he inquired about where they came from and what they encountered. He was told that a flying ship with the prow of a skull had been spotted approaching Razorforge, and that the same ship had ravaged the fortress of Ferrug.​ He was also given general advice about travelling safely in Pazunia, and the best places to do business.

At the Oasis, M'lar recommended the Blackhead Stout, which he seemed to enjoy himself. The Bishop talked to the merchants in the bar, ​and heard that Razorforge had descended into Chaos (more than usual) due to a flying ship made of bone and skulls entering town. He also heard that since Razorforge supplied most of the iron to Broken Reach, there would likely be a shortage in Broken Reach in the upcoming weeks.

The group returned to Sigil safely and shared their knowledge with the Party. During the time they were away, Dash-A helped his faction start up a slag glass business to use the waste material from the Foundry.

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entry_twenty_eight.1551322681.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/27 20:58 by helga