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4. Entry Three

(Game Date: March 8th, 2015)

Their preparations complete, the Planeswalkers set out across the swamp of Orthrys towards the Red Pit with Zaphon in the lead. Along the way, they were accosted by a wounded woman claiming to be victim of a monster attack, begging for the group to help her wounded husband. In spite of Zaphon's precautions and warnings, most of the party followed her into the swamp, only to be led into an ambush by a Farastu Gehreleth. After a pitched battle, the party tended their wounds and moved on.

Once through a local portal, the Planeswalkers split paths, with Helga and Cal using disguises and forged papers to masquerade as newly transferred Mercykiller guards and infiltrate the prison while the rest went to attempt to trick or negotiate with Sheol, a nearby Tarterian dragon, to attack the prison as a distraction for their escape.

Helga and Cal successfully spied on the notes of the Warden's second in command to discover the location of Cal's father, and bribed some of the guards to allow themselves to be posted as near his cell as possible. They also spotted a beautiful dark-haired elven woman talking to the Warden who could only be Lady Raven DuBois.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party approached Sheol's lair. Their presence awakened her from her slumber, but when she flew out to examine the party she seemed contemptuous rather than angry, almost amused at the strange mortals for approaching her. After being bribed and flattered, Sheol was almost convinced by the Planeswalkers' story of Warden Crackjaw and the Red Pit preparing to attack her. But in a last minute twist, she demanded that they capture a Red Pit guard and return him to her for interrogation to back up their claim.

The group wandered back to the hunting path near the prison and waited in ambush for one of the Mercykiller game hunting parties. Sure enough, a pair of hapless guards stumbled into their trap. After a brief scuffle, both guards were subdued and captured. And although all that remained was to somehow use them to corroborate their bluff, some of the group's members began to have ethical qualms about handing the men over to be tortured and killed…

entry_three.1426517378.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 00:24 (external edit)